November 2014

29 1 0

Matt: There's no other way to tell you this so I'm doing this now- I like you. I've been thinking about you lately, and the possibility of us. I hope there's a chance you might share the same feelings.

I looked at Matt's text message twice. After that night on the beach, our friendship has fully blossomed.

Almost every weekend we get together for drinks along with Rick and Nikkie. The two still know I admire Matt but are not saying a word as I want to make sure Matt's comfortable with me as his friend before I take any step further. And now that he is, he started showing more of his other side- his vulnerable and romantic side.

The message, however, is unfortunately not for me.

Matt: That's what I told her at our date and she didn't say anything the whole night. You think it's too much for a first date?

Me: I think that if you really meant it, then it's never too much. Not sure why she wouldn't reply, but if this Rebecca girl doesn't appreciate you, then maybe you're just wasting your time. There's another one out there.

It's me, Matt. I'm waiting for your go signal.

I feel optimistic and cheerful lately and this isn't that pseudo bravado that I have as a manager before either. If you've seen someone greeting strangers outside with a genuine smile on his face and becoming more productive in his workplace, that was me. The current me.

Within days, there was a big improvement on my targets I got a thumbs up from one of the senior directors who noticed the increase on my positive customer surveys and sales. Nikkie and Rick seem to be adjusting along fine too.

I have Matt to thank for. He tells me he owes me for always helping him out. The truth is, the fact that he cares about me is more than enough as a favor in return.

Matt: I need to drink my troubles away! What do you say I pick you guys up after your shift?

I asked the two if they're willing to go even when it's a hump day. Nikkie wanted to go home right after work and Rick had other plans, his way of saying he has a date tonight.

Me: Drink your troubles away? You're starting to sound like your cousin. But they can't join us tonight. Maybe we can reschedule?

Matt: Reschedule? Now YOU'RE starting to sound like MY cousin. Let's do it! You and me tonight. You okay with that, Fuller?

'You and me tonight.' I like the sound of that, sexual innuendos aside. Alright, Maxx, play it cool.

Me: I never sounded drunk when talking sober, so I can never be Rick. Just text me when you're on your way, Falls.

I put away my phone as I empty my workload before tonight. I managed to stop checking every second for a possible reply but I kept glancing at my watch to count the hours before I get to see him.

After working hours, I stayed at the company parking lot for twenty minutes until he arrives. I was feeling tired but I know Matt needed me to be there for him. Apparently, he gets devastated when a girl he's infatuated with turns him down. Regardless of his muscular but lean body, Matt is a sensitive kind-hearted man so those girls not returning his feelings is a complete conundrum to me.

"Did I keep you waiting, Fuller?" He said, not leaving his blue Civic but unlocking the door to get me inside. He's wearing his eyeglasses which suit him just fine. "Just put your bag somewhere at the back."

It was a mess back there- blueprints scattered everywhere, his school uniform just lying there like a blanket, his bag with the zipper open and garbage scattered everywhere. Matt must've been really busy at school or is just really untidy.

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