June 2014

63 1 2

"Double X." There goes my new nickname again.

"You will join us?" It sounded more of a command than a request. "It's about time you step out from your rock and have drinks with us!" said the very ecstatic Rick.

It was the end of our training with Mr. Rose. I have to say, he made it as smooth as possible. I was also able to adjust to the new environment, which was surprising considering I still dislike my job. The salary is peanuts compared to my previous work but I get to enjoy the fact that I'm not taking a lot of pressure at the moment. I may not call the shots today, but I could possibly do some shots tonight.

"Come on Maxx! It'll be fun. Just us girls." Nikkie jokingly told me. I for one am not enjoying the gay remarks, but people such as Rick and Nikkie are the people I prefer to hang out with. In the first place, the three of us were teamed up as the class were arranged by our last names in alphabetical order- Falls, Flynn, and Fuller.

I'm glad I got them as I really enjoy their company. They are the type of friends who give me the right amount of space to breathe, but are also there when I feel like sharing. I needed people who are straightforward and honest too, and the two fit the criteria.

"Okay. But promise me we go somewhere that doesn't involve loud music or dancing." I had to say it because Rick always go to clubs which isn't for me, being a hermit and all.

"Rick knows a place and it's just the three of us grabbing a beer." Nikkie reassured me. She too wasn't always in a party mood but when she is, she has the power to convince even the most stubborn people.

"And my cousin!" Rick added.

I hissed.

"Come on, he's cool." That's what he always says. "He needed to talk to me about a girl at his school. Plus, I needed a ride home."

I looked at him with a confused daze. "Exactly how old is your cousin?" I'm not gonna go out just to babysit for the night.

"Same age as you. So... 30, right?" He chuckled as he put his arm around my shoulders. "I promise you I only have my cousin. I know how you feel about strangers."I know Rick- when he invites someone, a dozen would tag along. When he does this, I would end up at a corner playing games on my phone or simply talking to myself. I got used to that set up but I didn't always like it.

"Okay. But I'm warning you. No more additional company. You know how antisocial I am with people." The three of us laughed. It was true though.

So here I am on a Friday night with Rick and Nikkie about to have drinks along with Rick's cousin. I guess I needed an evening away from having to bury myself in blankets and hibernate though the weekend.

"Let's get a cab. You said it's only a few miles away, right Rick?" Nikkie assumed it is. Before Rick could even answer, she was able to hail a cab right away. "The Fifth Element, please."

I'm not sure how Nikkie defines the word 'few' as it was a long ride to the bar amidst the light traffic. It might have taken us almost forty minutes before we reach our destination.

Nikkie and Rick started arguing with the route while the cab driver and I stayed quiet while he drives and I listen to the radio. The deejay has been playing songs from The Beatles which remind me of my grandfather who passed away several years ago.

Whenever I visit my grandparents' house, I would see him at his office working on his paintings while the radio played for hours. His favorite song was Let It Be, which I requested to be played at his funeral.

I remember him telling me one night when we were gazing the moon and stars on our rooftop that, once I grow up and set foot on my own journey, I never stray from love and happiness. I looked at him, his face illuminated by the soft light, as he continues, "Because once you find the person who will love and make you happy then you will never go the wrong way." He has so many words of wisdom but this was, by far, his best.

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