January 2015

38 1 0

There was excitement as the clock strikes midnight. I know I should've been sound asleep hours ago since there's work tomorrow but two things are keeping me awake- the coffee I took earlier when I was with Matt and that today is our birthday.

"Happy birthday Matt." I whispered to him. He might be miles away for him to hear it but he was the only person I really wanted to share this moment with. Suddenly after I said it, my phone lit up accompanied by a short ring tone indicating that I have a text message.

Matt: Hey! Special day today. As promised, I'm sending my birthday greetings... to myself! Haha. Happy Birthday to both of us, Maxx.

I swooned. The thought that we were thinking of each other seconds before January 8 incredibly intensified my feelings of commonality juxtaposed with my infatuation towards him. I tightened my embrace to my pillow which I imagine is Matt.

It only looks like it took him little effort to send his text at exactly twelve but it has a tremendous effect on me, especially that Matt is busy enjoying his school vacation by currently partying with his classmates on some night club. Matt wanted me to join but I turned it down for a full 9-hour sleep before work.

Now I'm still wide-awake and have less hours of shut-eyes but his text made it all worth it.

As I think of a good response, I look at the bracelet Matt gave me for Christmas. It was a simple yet elegant silver ID bracelet with four nicknames engraved- XX, Nik, Rick, TT. It was the best material gift I received so far as it was customized for me. How would I not like this man?

A tiny light illuminates the part where his nickname is set and I kissed it.

Me: Happy Birthday to us, party animal. Hope you're having the time of your life out there. And yes, I'm still very much awake courtesy of the cappuccino earlier.

Now that our moment is over and will continue on this evening's small celebration, I forced myself to close my eyes and dream of my Eiffel. I never waited for another reply from him so shortly but I heard my ringtone again.

Matt: I never knew coffee has such an effect on you.

You never knew you have such an effect on me.

Matt: Anyway, I can't wait for the double celebration tonight. Remember our agreement- we both wear a red shirt and I'll take care of the bill. My gift for your birthday and promotion.

A month ago, I was promoted as a team manager assistant. I still sit behind my desk and answer the phone but I'm usually being pulled out for special projects. My boss added a small amount to my salary to which I never complained as I was not expecting nor even asking for a raise.

So Matt and I look like we're about to celebrate as a couple and me sticking to my current career is finally paying off. Funny as this was Harry and Liberty four years ago and I'm starting to see a pattern. Hopefully this time I'd be given a happy ending.

Before I drown myself in questions only the future can answer, sleep finally ensued.

Celebrating my birthday at the office was never new to me; in the last four years in the corporate world, I never had the chance to take any days off as it falls on the very crucial post-holiday weeks of the business. Last year, I even ended up asking my parents to visit the company cafeteria only for a quick lunch. I'm perfectly okay with the arrangement as my employees get to plan a party for me afterwards.

This year is no different, except that I'll be spending my birthday in a different company and having the night to celebrate with friends. And of course, there's Matt.

When I arrived for work, I was immediately greeted with a huge chocolate cake by my boss and teammates. When asked what my wish was after blowing the candles, I simply kept quiet and smiled while I thought of one person. I decided to text him.

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