The Bet

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Why can Jimin be so hot WHAT THE FLIPPETY FLIP FLOP I THOUGHT I WAS ALL FOR TAEHYUNG I think my bloody bias is betraying me 

I grabbed a new pair of clothes and slipped my uniform off. After changing I check up on my face to see if it has broken out from all the stress. Luckily it's still nice and smooth. I start walking out only to hear my mom start yelling. "GOO! CMON IM GONNA BE LATE IF WE DONT HURRY UP!" 

"COMING MOM!" I yell as I run down the stairs and shut the front door behind me locking it.

As we drive to Jin's house mom starts questioning me on why I left my stuff.

"Well mom, my teacher is friends with Jin and dropped it off there."

"Oh..." she says seeming to want to question me more, but thankfully we made it to Jin's house so I get out really fast. "OH WAIT, GOO, HERE'S SOME MONEY FOR THE WAY BACK HOME."

"Thanks mom." I say running to the front door before she decides to question me more. I ring the doorbell only to be greeted by a big hug none other than from my brother Jin. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU'RE HERE!" He says nuzzling his face into my hair. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come." He pouts only to be met with my hand slapping his face playfully.

"Jinnie... how could I ever lie to you!" I say.

"Aww Goo how sweet. Anywayssss Taehyung isn't home yet so you can hang with us for a while." He says plopping himself on the couch.

"Good I don't have to see his face for a little while longer." I scoff.

"Do you have something against Taehyung?" He questions me.

"Yes. He's the WORST. Do you have something against him or whatever? How long have you known that bastard? Does he have a diary? A sketchbook? Weird videos? Anything I can use against him. Please Jinnnnnnnnnnie?" I plead.

"Woah there sis, slow down. You want blackmail against the perfect sexy Taehyung?"

"Wait. Jin. Did you just call Taehyung sexy? Oh my God you're so weird." 

"Don't tell me you don't think the same," I hear someone say as they walk through the door, "you know I'm sexy Ms. Kim."

"TAEHYUNG. DONT TALK TO MY SISTER LIKE THAT!" my brother yells running at him and smacking him in the face while grinning to himself.

"But..." He says ready to be defensive.

"Whatever," my brother says, "I have to go get something from my room real quick I'll be right back." Leaving Taehyung and I alone in the living room.

I close my eyes for a couple of seconds hoping that Jin will come back in soon. When I open them Taehyung is gone and I can feel heat near me. Really close, but no breathing. Then it hits me. I turn around face to face with him. He closes in more space between us just inches, no centimeters between us. I can feel his lips brush my nose while staring directly into my eyes.

"Taehyung... back off and give me my stuff." I say scared of what he could do, but also curious wanting him to get closer to me.

"Wow Ms. Kim, you called me by my name," he said and I slap my hand over my mouth forgetting the formalities, "it's only been a day and you have already given into me. How fun will this be messing with you during class and the endless dententions you get for being stupid." He says with a smirk starting to write his face.

"I m-mean... M-mr. Kim..." I said stumbling over my words. Not knowing why. I then am being pushed against the wall like he did yesterday in my room.

"Goo, you seem to have fallen for me."

"I have not." Gaining my confidence back, "you can go suck a dick Mr. Kim."

"Well then."

"Yeah screw you."

"I will soon." He says.


"Goo, give me 10 days to do whatever I please with you. I swear I'll make you live up to your name knowing you are the only one who can complete me. But, this is a bet, so if you don't give into me within 10 days, I'll leave you alone for life, but if you do, you're mine for life.

"Taehyung, how did you know what my name means." I sigh thinking of what I'm about to say next, "But to answer you, NO, I don't think this will work. HA." I run off hoping he wouldn't catch up to me. The next thing I feel is a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist slowly picking me up bridal styal, bringing me closer to his face to the point where I could feel his nose brush mine.

"Baby girl, don't think I'd let you get away with that answer." he gives me the smirk that makes my body melt into itself.

"But... I don't like you first of all. Second, even if I did my brother would murder you, and lastly, YOU ARE A TEACHER. I AM A STUDENT."

"So?" He says with a questioning look, "how is that going to stop me."

"Fine." I give in knowing if I didn't I would be nagged for more than 10 days, "on one condition, you can't take my virginity during the 10 days."

"What if you give into me so hard that you beg for it?"

"Don't do it. I'm too young. And also, don't be weird during class, I don't want people to know."

"Okay kitten." He says grabbing my stuff and giving me while placing a kiss on my head seeming like he wanted to do more, "see you tomorrow." And there he goes, walking to his bedroom.

I can feel my heart pounding. I know it shouldn't be like this. What did I just agree too. My mother raised me better. After he walks away my brother comes out with a curious look written all over him. "Goo? Why is your face red? Did Taehyung do something to you? I swear I'll knock his head off..." 

"No Jin, he didn't do anything." I say defensively. "He just gave my stuff back to me, so I'm going home now alright?"

"Awwwwww Goo... I hope maybe you can stay here for a couple weeks or more one day. It would be fun seeing you around more often. I miss the funny breakfasts." He says sadly.

"Jin, nobody has a breakfast like the old ones when you were around anymore. Anyways I don't wanna live in a house with seven smelly boys."

"Wait you think I'm smelly too? I thought it was just the six of them." He trails off.

"No Jin, you too." I laugh.

"GOO," He cries playfully smacking my arm, "why are you so mean."

"Oh Jinnie, when will you ever learn." I say looking to make sure my arm doesn't have a red mark. "Anyways, I'll be off now, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." I roll my eyes.

"Okay Goo, I love you sis."

"Love you too loser!" I say and run out the door before he could say anything else. 

Walking to the main road I call a cab and he takes me home. After getting out of my clothes for the day, I jump into bed hoping to fall asleep. But it seems that the days events were too much. "Looks like I have a long night ahead of me." I sigh.


Another finished chapter. IM ON FIREEEEEE TODAY.

Oh! *puts in fire by bts into youtube*

*turns headphones up all the way*

*dances around the room to bts*

I'm so weird lol

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