Snakes, sluts, and whores.

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I sink slowly onto the front of my locker. My heart still beating from the events that just happened. What I did with Jimin, and what Yoongi saw. My tears got the best of me and trailed down my face.

Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi make me feel these weird emotions. This is something I never would have thought of happening. Yoongi is an early love, Jimin is unbelievably irresistible, and Taehyung makes me melt on the spot. I could feel another side of me coming out. I wanted to run from this situation. Come to think of it, it's like a love-square. Which makes me seem like even more of a whore. I just want to curl up into a ball and wish that I never met any of them.

I hear the bell ring indicating it's time for everyone to clear the campus. I look at my phone seeing that it's 6:30 PM. What the heck? I've been here for 3 hours crying? Damn my standards have really fallen. I put my headphones in and play some music. Why do those three make me feel like this? I would tell Jin but he would be extremely angry with me by the fact I even considered my own teacher and Jimin. I don't think he minds Yoongi.

My mind flashes back to the hurt look Yoongi gave me when I pulled away from Jimin. Did he hear my pleasure in the kiss? He obviously didn't see everything otherwise he would have known Jimin came onto me. Unless he did but was angry by the fact I kissed him back. My thoughts trail deeper until I've met my face to the ground.

"Ouchhhh." I say getting up and seeing my scraped knees that met the asphalt. I looked up to see that I've been tripped by Eun-hee the most popular girl in our grade.

"Hey slut." She says with an evil grin marking her face. I can see the hickeys on her neck from make out sessions with other guys.

"I'm a slut? Don't you mean, you are a slut?"

"Watch it, I saw you locking lips with the sexy Jimin, I've also seen you with Yoongi. And don't think I haven't watched your gazes at Taehyung. You are just. a. slut."

"Do you spy on me now or something?"

"Anyways slut." She says totally avoiding the question at hand, "if I see you with any of the three, even gazing at them, I will tear your life to shreds. They are mine to seduce, not yours." She smirks at my bloody mess then walks away.

I really am a slut. Or whore. Or whatever people want to call me. I shouldn't be looking at three guys this way and yet I do anyways. I'm sure Yoongi will hate me forever. Jimin will probably come onto me again, and Taehyung will probably also catch us in the act. Sighing I grab my keys and unlock the front door that I have just made it to. I walk in feeling the emotion of loss and suffering. I decide to go to the bathroom and take a look at the box with the note on it from earlier.

Looking over the note again I slowly open the box. Screaming, I see snakes slither out of it. Immediately I run out and close the door thanking the builders for not making a gap under the door. I call Jin freaked about what just happened.

"JIN!" I scream into the phone.



"What did you say?" He answered while I could hear the anger seething through his voice.

"I'll be right over sis."

I run into my room and hide until Jin gets here scared that the murderer could come in at any moment. Why snakes? Is this his way of telling me I'm a snake? Do I know the 'murderer'? I finally hear the doorbell ring and run out of my room to greet Jin.


"Shh it's okay sis I'm here to help. I brought Taehyung since he's good with snakes."

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