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It was dark. So dark. And cold.

Very cold.

"He died alone! He was alone! He had no-one in his last moments! How could I let this happen?!"  

Natsu was crying and screaming his lungs out. Natsu. But that wasn't the thing that scared Carla the most.

It was the lifeless body of a cat that Natsu was screaming and crying over. It wasn't just any 'cat'.

It was the Exceed Happy. 

Something seemed to come over Natsu. He stopped screaming, he stopped crying. His friendly dark-brown eyes turned to soulless black ones. Red scales started forming on his body. When he flung himself at someone (Carla couldn't tell who. The smoke was too thick), it was if he had lost control of himself. After the person was dealt with, he turns to stare right into Lucy's eyes.

"Natsu..?" Lucy called out faintly, not understanding the way he glared at her. Not a second later, Natsu lunged forward and his claws dug into Lucy's sides. It was at that moment Carla realized.

They were all going to die.

Stick Close, Tom-Cat (Happy X Carla)Where stories live. Discover now