The Scarecrow

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New chapter. Hope that you guys like it, I thought the ninja I choose was perfect for the role because the scarecrow is my second favorite character in the Wizard of Oz and this ninja is my second favorite. Enjoy the chapter and please leave a comment. 😉😊😎

Nya and Jay had been walking down the yellow brick road for at least three hours. They saw no signs of Garmadon or anything else that could hurt them. Which was good for them.

"Why do you think Garmadon wants this so badly?" Jay asked Nya.

"I'm not sure. He said something about the nunchucks having powers, so he probably wants the nunchucks to take over Ninjago." Nya said.

Jay thought about this as they were walked for what felt like a whole day, but was really only another half hour.

They stopped once they saw a fork in the road. The yellow brick road continued on both trails, the only question was which one of the trails to take.

"Which way should we go?" Jay asked Nya.

"I'm not really sure." Nya said, looking at both roads.

"I'd take the one on the left." A voice called to them.

Jay and Nya looked around for the voice, but didn't see anyone. The only things around them were each other, the corn fields, and a scarecrow, who was pointing to the left road.

"Who said that?" Nya asked.

"I don't know." Jay said as they looked at each other. "Maybe it was the scarecrow."

"Don't be ridiculous Jay, scarecrow's can't talk." Nya said.

"On the other hand, right is a good way to take too." The voice called out again.

Jay and Nya both looked around again, but didn't see anyone. But they did notice the scarecrow was now pointing to the right road now.

"That's weird, wasn't he just pointing the other way?" Nya asked Jay.

"Then again, both ways are good." The voice called once again.

Jay and Nya looked at the scarecrow and saw him pointing both way. They both looked at each other, then back at the scarecrow.

"Are you talking?" Jay asked as he approached the scarecrow.

The scarecrow shook his head no then nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Well, do you know which way to New Emerald City?" Nya asked.

"I'm afraid I don't. You see, I don't have a brain." The scarecrow said.

"Then how can you talk if you don't have a brain?" Jay asked.

"I'm not sure. I just can, okay?" The scarecrow said.

"Okay Mr. Scarecrow." Jay said.

"Please don't call me that, my name is Cole." The scarecrow said.

"Well Cole, do you need help getting down from up there?" Nya asked, referring to the fact that Cole was hung up.

"Yes, Please." Cole said.

Jay quickly went behind the wooden pole and undid the screw holding Cole up. Cole can falling down and Nya helped him up.

"Are you okay?" Nya asked.

"Yay, I'm great now that I'm finally off that pole." Cole said."By the way, I didn't catch your names."

"I'm Jay, and that's Nya." Jay said to Cole. "We're on our way to see the Wizard of Ninjago, in New Emerald City."

"Neat, can I come and ask the wizard for a brain?" Cole asked.

"Sure." Nya said.

The three of them choose the left path and continued their journey down the yellow brick road, unaware of two thing. They would soon have more company, and that they were being watched by someone.

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