Wizard Revealed

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Hey guys, sorry this chapter stinks so much, but I did best I could. I only have one chapter after his one, so enjoy. 😉

The group returned to New Emerald City and were now facing the wizard for a second time. The wizard seemed surprised that that were back, and even more surprised when he saw they had the other three Golden Weapons.

"Can I believe my eyes?" He asked. "You've brought me back the other three Golden Weapons."

"Yes, sir. And we defeated Garmadon." Nya said.

"Yay, we melted him." Jay added.

"So, you liquidated him." The wizard said.

"Yes, and we'd like for you to keep your promises." Zane said.

"No so fast, not so fast." The wizard said. "I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, but we want to go home now." Nya complained.

"Yay, you've had enough time to think about it already." Cole joined in.

Jay looked over to the wall and saw a curtain. He walked over curiously to see what was behind it. He saw an old man speaking into a strange tube.

"Do not anger the great and powerful wizard, be luck I decided tomorrow and not ten to forty years!" He yelled at them.

The man had yet to notice Jay, so Jay waved to Nya who looked over. Once she saw the old man, she looked less afraid. She tapped on Cole's  shoulder, who tapped on Zane's, who then tapped on Kai.

The man looked over at them and was startled. "The great wizard has spoken!" He yelled and turn to see all of them looking at him. He then pulled the curtain back and said, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Nya and the others walked over and pulled the curtain back again. The old man looked at them.

"Who are you?" Nya asked.

"I am the great and powerful, Wu." The man said.

"Your a faker." Cole said.

"No, I'm just a very bad wizard." The old man said.

"What about all the promises you made us?" Cole asked angrily.

Wu smiled and handed him a document, Zane a mechanical heart, and Kai a badge. He then explained everything to them.

"Okay, but what about Jay and Nya?" Kai asked. "You promised to send them back home."

"And I intend to." Wu said and walked out of the room. The group followed him and saw a hot air balloon. "This is our ride home."

Within minutes, Nya, and Jay were saying goodbye to their friends.

"Goodbye guys, it's been an amazing adventure." Jay said as they group hugged goodbye.

But while they were hugging, Wu accidentally released the ropes holding down the balloon and it began to go into the sky, without Jay and Nya.

"Wait!" Nya cried once they realized the ballon was leaving without them.

"I can't wait, Goodbye!" Wu called to them as he disappeared.

Jay and Nya just looked at the sky, with very sad expressions. The others tried to comfort them.

"Hey guys it's okay, you can stay with us." Cole said.

"Thanks, But we really just want to go home." Nya said with sadness in her voice.

Just then, a bubble came towards then. Jay and Nya quickly recognized it as Misako's. The bubble faded away and Misako walked over to them and said, "You've always had the power to go home."

"How?" Jay asked.

"All you had to do was believe in yourself." Misako informed him.

"Well you could have told him that from the beginning." Cole said.

"He has to figure it out by himself." Misako said. "All you have to do is twirl your nunchucks around and say 'There's no place like home.'"

Jay did as he was instructed and twirled his nunchucks around while saying, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home."

The Wonderful Wizard of Ninjago Where stories live. Discover now