Gotta Escape!

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(Raph pounds on the mirror-door then kicks it)

(He hear a soft ghostly moan. He turns but can only make out a sagging iron bed. When the voice speaks, there is a faint glow from beneath the cover

Raph-Who's there?

Hush! And shush! For the Beldom might be listening!

(Raph steps towards the bed, the faint glow from under the covers in sync with the words he hears)

Raph-You ... you mean the Other Brother? ... (He gently pulls back the sheets. The dim glowing ghosts of three children, all with button eyes) ... W-what are you?

Ghost boy-... Do you not remember me, Raph?

Raph-... What?

Ghost boy-I tried to warn you.

Raph-... Mikey?

Ghost boy-I was free to roam outside the mirror, but only in the form brother chose for me.

Raph-... Who are all of you?

Ghost Girl-We don't remember our names...

Ghost Boy-But I 'member my true siblings... (He's so sad that Raph takes his cold hand and squeezes it)

Raph-Why are you all here?

Ghosts-The Beldom!

(The ghosts move about in a dance macabre, like ghostly fish in water)

Sweet Ghost Girl-He spied on our lives, through the little doll's eyes.

Ghost Boy-And saw that we weren't happy.

Tall Ghost Girl-So he lured us away, with treasures and treats.

Sweet Ghost Girl-And games to play!

Ghost Boy-Gave all that we asked -

Sweet Ghost Girl-Yet we still wanted more.

Tall Ghost Girl-So we let him sew the buttons.

Ghost Boy-He said that he loved us, cared for us.

Tall Ghost Girl-But he locked us here.

All Ghosts-And ate up our lives.

(The ghosts fall back into their bed and sink down. Raph is stunned. He thinks a little and then speaks, trying to steady his voice and seem brave)

Raph-Well, he can't keep me in the dark forever; not if he wants to win my life. Beating him is my only chance.

(A beat. Then the Sweet Girl asks in her sing-song way:)

Sweet Ghost Girl-Perhaps, if you do win your escape, you could find our eyes?

Raph-Has she taken those, too?

Sweet Ghost Girl-Yes, sir. And hidden them.

Ghost Boys-Find our eyes, sir, and our souls will be freed.

Raph-I ... I'll try.

(The ghosts pulse with hope. Raph sits down against the mirror door, bounces his head against it. He's not hopeless. Suddenly, hands reach through the mirror and pull him out! His eyes go wide, as he tears at the hands that hold him. He grabs one and, flips his masked attacker onto the ground. He pulls off the mask: it's the Other Angel, her mouth stitched into a painful ear to ear)

Raph-Angel?!.. (He sits her up) Did he do this to you? (He unstitches her painfully-huge grin. Hope that feels bet--

Other Angel-Shhh. (She stops him with a finger to her lips, and points to the Other Living Room, its door unlocked and open. He grabs his hand and pulls him there)


(It's dark, the bug furniture asleep. They run to the big armoire bug that guards the little door and shove it out of the way. It crashes to the floor. And from upstairs, a voice calls out)

Evil Other Leo-Raph?! Is that you!

Raph-Let's go! (He opens the little door. A cold wind blows from the dark passageway, now filled with spiderwebs and the shoes, coatas, and hats of other kids who tried to escape.

Evil Other Leo-Raph?

(The tunnel moves at the sound of his voice. Raph takes Other Angel's arm)

Raph-Come on. He'll hurt you again!

(She shakes her head no, then pulls off her glove to reveal a hand made of sawdust. She blows her fingers away. A katana clicks from the rails of the stairs; he's ALMOST THERE! AND HE'S CARRYING HIS KATANA!)

Evil Other Leo-?! How dare you disobey your older brother!!

(Other Angel shoves Raph into the tunnel and shuts the door. Hunched down, Raph moves as quickly as he can, tearing through the sticky cobwebs)

Evil Other Leo-(calling after him) Raph!

(Strands of web brush his face, stick to his mask; he closes his eyes, hands out until he finally gets to the little door at the other end. He dives, tucks, and rolls onto the real living room floor. Raph pants, shuts the door, and turns the little key ­still in the keyhole ­ to lock the door forever. He stands, covered in dust and cobwebs, and calls out with joy and relief)

Raph-I'M HOME!...... Guys?!

Sorry this took a long time. I've been in school, had a ton of homework, that stuff

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