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++ "Cuddle me, I'm cold..." ++

++ no triggers for this one-- just fluff for the first one uwu

. . .

"AcHoO!" An loudly echoed noise came from the small male in bed, his messy hair motioning in his movements as he let out a loud sneeze.

His tall boyfriend poked his head from the doorway that lead into the livingroom, a concerned look on his morning features as he gazed to the seemly sick male. "Jemmy? Are you fine??"

The small male gave a slightly frustrated huff in return, replying back sharply with his roughed out voice, "What do you think, Thomas?"

The taller male gave him a soft sigh in return, but also gave James a sort of softened look. "Good point. Do you need any tea to help with your cough, hun?"

He hesitated for a small moment, not really liking the nickname he gave him but he didn't really want to have an slight agruement right at that moment. Thomas was the one who situated him in the rather large living room to begin with, letting him wrap himself with blankets and settling him onto the whitened leather couch.

"Mmm-- sure." James sighed out, defintely looking tired driven as his mood hung sourly in the air. "Just hurry please.."

His boyfriend softly nodded in response, quietly going back to working in the kitchen as he left the small male with his thoughts and sickness.

The sick man gave a slight cough, a frown left on his features as he tucked the fluffy blanket closer to his small and frail figure. He always hated his back immune system, it normally took both Thomas and James away from dates and work together.

Not that Thomas ever minded having to skip work to take care of him, he defintely knew that. But of course, it always left James in this sort of terrible mood and it reflected into his personality.

Thomas always adored it about him, and, at the end of the day, he felt just a bit happy to have such a caring and charming boyfriend like him, even with the starky remarks he always made towards him.

It was definitely worth waiting about four years for him to come back from France. He only just found out he loved him another two years later afterward, silently charmed at everything he had and did.

The only thing that made him surprised was that Thom-

Another sneeze and a cold shiver erupted the small male from his thoughts again, making him make a slight pitiful face in response.

"Ugh.." He sniffled to himself, his happy feeling leaving him completely and the feeling of gross and terribleness that he felt from his sickness returned.

A few more small moments and now the tall Virginian finally came in with some sweetened warm tea for James. He carefully handed it to him, and the sickened man gratefully returned the offer by accepting it.

"Better?" Jefferson spoke, sitting down lightly next to him on the comfortable couch. The weakened male next to him softly nodded, bringing the warmed tea to his lips before drawing in the texture.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied after he sipped at it, a soft sigh escaping him now as he spoke to his boyfriend.

As Thomas opened his mouth to reply back to him, James lightly leaned onto his side with a gentle sniffle as he continued. "Although I'd feel better if you just cuddle me. I'm cold."

The taller male gave him a soft chuckle in response, smiling to him with a gentle look that James had to just stop to adore slightly for a moment while he wrapped his arm gently around his shoulder.

A gentle happy sigh escaped James as he nuzzled into his love, engulfed by the warmth he provided as he felt soothed and relaxed beside him.

"I love you, James." The Southern spoke out into the pleasantly quieted room, his softened voice was even pleasing enough to fill the small male with happiness again.

Those were the words he was so surprised of hearing when he said that about in the last 7 months. James never believed he would love him due to his coughed fits and over sickness that drove him to become so rude with his replies. But yet, he had. And those words meant way more to him than Thomas would ever believe.

"I love you too, Thomas."

Word count: 738 words

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