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++ "C'mon-- try it on at least ?" ++

Triggers: none

Actually quite long oops--

. . .

"This is stupid, Thomas." The mumbled words came out of the small male's mouth. It was Christmas time, in which this holiday was really like another Valentine's Day for couples, just more seasonal and with an addition of a man with a red overcoat and a giant bag full of presents.

Santa was technically like a thief in all honesty, but the fact that he gives presents instead of taking valuable items seems in fact that he isn't.

"It won't be so bad, James." The poofy-hair male insisted beside him, yanking Madison from his thoughts as he looked over the decorations of the newly beautiful Christmas tree.

"We're not kids anymore-- is this really necessary??" Jefferson seemed to snort at his guest's response, giving James a michevious but a quite playful grin in return as the lights of the Christmas tree next to them reflected it's colors onto his facial features.

It always seemed to amaze how astonishing the taller male seemed to look, especially like this in this time of year. Madison would always forget at times how attractive he looked over the holidays, although he'd never really admit it outloud.

"It's absouletely necessary. Besides, we still need to exchange gifts!" Thomas insisted, pulling the small male by the arm and next to the colorful tree, urging him to sit on the carpeted floor with him.

The smaller Virginian let out a reluctant sigh, moving to a comfortable position on the floor as the tall man happily grinned beside him. Another feature to him, that James silently admired, was that Thomas always seemed to have a gently excited and positive vibe to him. It mostly outputted James' bitter words, and it really had no effect on him either.

Maybe because Jefferson was so used to dealing with it. Or maybe he was just used to dealing with people like that.

The small male definitely wouldn't believe it might've been because he actually liked being around him. Even though he couldn't believe it, he couldn't help himself to at least hope.

The familiarity of his southern drawl pulled him out of his thoughts once more, hinting with gentle concern he hadn't recognized in his voice before. "Are you alright? You seem like you're a bit distant from me today.." There was a slightly self-consicous smile on his delicate face, one of the the very rare sort of times you ever get to see on Jefferson's face alone.

The small Virginian shook his head in response, a little burn at his cheeks for finding out he'd been focusing more on his thoughts than actions. "No, no I'm fine." He reassured, giving him a gently anxious smile in return. "Just-- Christmas isn't really too great for me every year."

There was a slightly puzzled look in Thomas' gaze now, in which James softly sighed and explained. "You know that I get more sick than any other season when it gets to Winter time. So that's one reason really..." He glanced to his lap quickly, letting his sentence trail off as light fear pooled in him.

Another thing he definitely wouldn't tell Thomas is that he never really celebrated Christmas while he was gone. This was their actual first Christmas they've spent together after he came back from France.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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