"Stop!" I yelled playfully as Bo dragged me into his room. He had told me a few days ago that he had a surprise for our friendaversery. Three years goes a long way. Bo sat me on his bed as he shuffled through his closet. He pulled out a big bouquet of flowers. "Surprise!" He yelled. "Aww Bo this is so sweet!" I said excitedly. He scratched the back of his head as I looked through the flowers. I noticed something odd. The flowers were mostly roses, But there was one daisy. The card read. "To Maria, From Bo. To my best friend, a daisy in a field of roses." I hugged Bo tightly and thanked him for the gift. I couldn't wait for Bo to see my gift for him! We sat in Bo's room for a while. Me singing and Bo playing his piano. Bo messed up the notes and got frustrated with the fact that he wrote the song so he should know how to play it. "God dammit!" He yelled. I walked over to comfort him. I always thought it was cute when Bo messed up in a song. "Its alright Bo. It just needs a little more practice!" I said. We heard the front door open slowly. "Bo? Are you and Maria home?" Yelled Mrs. Burnham from downstairs. "Yeah mom we'll be down in a second!" Yelled Bo. "Ok! but hurry I got chipotlé and its gonna be cold soon!" Bo and I raced downstairs after we heard about the food. I was starving. As I was racing Bo down the stairs I tripped onto him and we both ended up falling down the stairs. Giggling, we got back up and walked towards the kitchen. "Nice to see you again Maria!" Said Mrs. Burnham. "Aw thank you! Its nice to see you as well!" I said back. I grabbed my food and sat at the table, Bo sitting next to me. "So what did you get me for our friendaversery?" He asked. "Its a surprise but i cant wait for you to see it!" I said excitedly. You could tell Bo was anxious to see by the way he was shaking. After we ate our food we headed out the door to go to my house. We got into Bo's car and drove up the street. "Hey why didn't we just walk?" I asked. "Because. Laziness has consumed me." Said Bo. I giggled. "Its so funny when you giggle. Its more of a snorting sound than anything." Said Bo. "Well gee! thanks!". I said sarcastically. We pulled into the drive way of my house. My dads car was in the driveway as well. "Oh no." I said. My dad always liked Bo so it he was gonna try to make conversation. We walked through the front door. "Bo! its nice to see you again! how have you been!". Said my dad as soon as he layer eyes on Bo. "I'm ok Mr. Baxter, thank you for asking!" Said Bo. We went into the living room. My gift for Bo was sitting on the table. "Oh sick! You got two tickets to see George Carlin? Lucky! He is my biggest hero!" Said Bo as he picked up the tickets. "Yeah! But theres a twist. I got then for us!" I said. "Really! thank you so much!" Said Bo. The smile on his face lit up the room. I loved it when Bo smiled. His dimple always showing. Bo hugged me and we sat on the couch to watch T.V. My favorite show was on. It may sound childish but my favorite show was Hannah Montana. "Don't change it!". I shouted as Bo picked up the remote. We sat and watched T.V. for a while when Bo got a phone call. He didn't say who it was from but he said it was important. After a few minuets he ended the call and walked back to the couch with tears in his eyes. "After we left my house, my mom had a heart attack." He said. "Oh Bo i'm so sorry did she make it? Is she ok?" I asked. I guess I said the wrong thing because Bo looked at me and lost it. "No! she isn't ok! they told me she died in the hospital." He said angrily. " I'm so sorry." I said quietly. Bo didn't have any other family in the state and his dad was stationed over seas. I didn't want him to move away. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do know. I guess i'm just gonna have to move in with my grandparents." He said. "Bo you can't!" I said while tears rolled down my face. "What other option do I have?" Said Bo.