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"So, Tilly is out of the hospital?" Britney asked Ben, as he stood at the front of the class.

Ben nodded. "Yes, she came out a couple of days ago. I just want to say thank you to everyone for being so patient whilst I've been away. I know it hasn't been easy for you all with all the disruptions to the class schedule."

The class fell silent and nodded in acknowledgment. What more could they say?

"She should be back to class in the next few days. I know not a lot of you spoke to Tilly but I think she'd benefit from a few friends at this time." Ben pleaded with the class. Again, the class continued to stay silent. A few heads still nodding.

The clock hit 15:00 and the class was dismissed. The class filed out of the room, leaving Ben to slump at his desk. Today was his first day back to work properly. No going home early. No sat by the phone waiting for a doctor to call. No worrying about me and if I was still alive. Instead, he taught a whole day. He laughed with staff during lunch. He enjoyed himself. As soon as he was allowed to go home though, he didn't need telling twice. He ran to the car with his briefcase under his arm, threw himself into the driver's seat and fled back home. The excitement to get home built up in him making him feel like a little boy waiting for Santa to arrive on Christmas Eve.

He swung by the nursery, collected Robbie and then went on to head home. Songs played on the radio that caused the boys to sing to their heart's content. The smile on their faces continued to grow and the admiration for each other became stronger. Ben sat behind the wheel of the car and danced along to the music causing Robbie to copy. Their smiles rapidly grew to giggles and happiness flooded the car for the first time in a long time. 

The car pulled up to Ben's house that sat on top of the cliff top looking over the Cornish sea. The view was mesmerizing. Each time Robbie came here, his face would glow with happiness. He very rarely saw the sea so for him to be living near the sea is like a dream for him. Ben flew Robbie out of the car and placed him on Ben's shoulders. Running to the front door, the door opened by itself. Well, they thought so. Ben placed his foot through the door and called through the hallway. His head poking around doorways. Behind him followed a ninja-like individual that liked to call herself, my mother. She placed her hands onto Robbie and gave him a tickle before sweeping him into her arms. The house was full of laughs and happiness. I, on the other hand, laid up on the sofa, still in my pyjamas. As Mum and Robbie giggled throughout the corridor, Ben walked into the living room and slid underneath my feet, placing them on his lap. He looked across the sofa and smiled at me kindly. "How are you feeling?" He questioned, sincerely. His hand resting on my feet, his fingers sinking into the softness of my socks.

"I'm okay." I shrugged. "The police came over and took my statement. We just need to wait for the court date." My eyes did not leave the television screen as Judge Rinder played. 

Ben's eyes stayed fixed on me. His hand gently gave my feet a gentle squeeze. "I'm proud of you, Till." His smile had stayed on his face throughout. His words were genuine. 

"Thank you." I sighed, turning my head to face Ben. "I just want to be better." My body attempted to wiggle up the sofa so I was sat up. It struggled but eventually got there.

"You are getting better. Each day you are getting better. Yesterday, you couldn't do that. The day before you could not get out of bed. Take each day as it comes, darling. You just got to get through each day, and eventually, you will be fixed. And do you know how I know?" Ben asked, his eyebrow raised, waiting for me to reply.

I shrugged my shoulders. "How?"

"I am going to be with you every step of the way. You will never ever be alone. Nor will you ever be in danger ever again. I will support you. I will look after you. I will help you grow back to the strong, intelligent, beautiful girl that I know you are. I will help show the world who the real Tilly is." 

My focus was on Ben entirely. He called me beautiful. No one has ever called me beautiful before. My belly filled with butterflies and my heart skipped a beat. I had no words to reply back with. What was I supposed to say? I sat there and smiled. My orange bruised cheeks grew as my split lips spread wide. I was feeling something, I hadn't felt in a long time. It might have been wind, but I am sure this was happy. A whole load of happy and maybe a little bit more, but I was not 100% sure what it was. I was not ruling out wind. 

"Together, we fight this. You are no longer alone." Ben leaned over and gently cupped my cheek, rubbing it gently. His touch was warm against my ice cold skin. His skin warmed my body straight to my soul. I did not feel alone. I felt like I was with the one person I knew who would protect me at all costs. As we sat on the sofa watching TV, Robbie came charging in and throwing himself onto Ben's lap, nuzzling into his chest. My heart warmed more so, seeing Ben holding my Robbie. His love for my brother was obvious and I could not ask for anything more. Ben's hands had released my feet and held Robbie close to him. His arms wrapped around Robbie, protecting him and filling him with cuddles. Mum had followed Robbie in and wiggled herself next to me, sandwiching me between herself and Ben. Her arm threw itself around my body, pulling me close. Was this how "family" feels? Was this "normal"? Whatever it was, I liked it.

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