Twenty Five

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It had been four days since I was given my freedom. Our household had not stopped smiling. Michael Bublé sang through the house from the speakers as we prepared for today. Today was the day that the big fat man in the red all in one came down the chimney and left you presents under the tree in return of eating all of your Christmas cookies.

We were sat in the living room, all in our pyjamas and bed hair. Robbie was rolling through the present, opening all of his new toys playing with every single one. Mum surrounded herself in books and new bath supplies, smelling all of the bubble baths and bath bombs. They were both content and in their own heaven. I, on the other hand, was over the moon. I was curled up next to Ben. His arm was wrapped around me as his head rested on mine.

"Till, I got you a little something." Ben leant forward and picked up a small gift box and placed it in my hand. "Go ahead, open it."

I looked up at him and smiled wide. I sat up right and looked down at the pretty little gift box that was tied with a pink ribbon. I pulled it gently and lifted off the black lid. The inside was wrapped neatly in pink tissue paper. My nimble fingers gently opened it, to see the contents. There laid a small silver chain with a heart attached. I lifted it out of the box and held it in my hand. "Ben, it's beautiful." My eyes locked with Ben's.

He took the bracelet and clipped it around my wrist, his fingers brushing against my skin making me smile more. "Perfect." He gleamed. His lips rested against my head.

My head raised, diverting his lips to mine. My hand pressed against his cheek, kissing firmly. "I love it. I love you." I whisper, giving him one last kiss before reaching to give Ben his present. "Open it."

He placed the box on his lap and lifted the lid. Inside was a black book. He opened it to find essay after essay that I was supposed to hand in. He looked at me confused, "Till, these are essays?"

"Keep looking." I smiled, pressing my lips against his cheek, getting to my knees, looking over his shoulder.

He turned the pages to find poems that I had written followed by photos that we had taken together, glued onto the pages. There were pictures of me and Ben, pictures of Robbie and Ben, pictures of Mum and Ben and pictures of us all together. On the last page it said;

My family.
What can I say?
Ben, Mum and Robbie,
Perfect in every way.
Everything is jolly,
Everything is fine.
Mummy's got better,
I found the love of my life.
I had never felt this much joy.
Whatever it was, it was better than air.
The most amazing and loving man!
My family.
Ben, Mum, Robbie and Me.

Ben's eyes watered, he placed the book on the floor and guided me onto his lap. "We are family."

I smiled and placed another kiss on his lips. "We are."

"I love you." I smiled and and wiped his eyes on my pyjama sleeve.

As we sat and continued to listen to Bublé and watch everyone enjoy their gifts, I sat back and rested my head against Ben's shoulder and thought. This was it. I was happy. I had the world at my feet. I had my family close; Mum and Robbie on the floor and Dad around my neck, and my love underneath me. For the first time in years, I was truly happy. I felt at peace. This truly was the meaning of Christmas; being surrounded by the ones you love in your pyjamas!

I can truly say, Ben helped me pass life.

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