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"KEITH, GET BACK TO WORK!" Sendak yelled at me. I huff out air before standing up and running over to the druids. I pull out a war knife and slash at the four druids. Only getting one of them. As soon as the training ended I went over to the line were six others stood. My ears twitched as heavy foot prints got closer. Then I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head.

"KEITH, YOU NEED TO WORK HARDER!" Sendak yell out in my ear. I stayed perfectly still. I could tell he was annoyed by it. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the training ground. He through me to the ground. I pulled myself up from off the ground, he through me a gun as he pulled his gun out. I took a gulp before throwing the gun at him and running to my room.

"Nope," I say to myself as I turned into my room locking the door behind me. As I walk over to my bed a head popped out of it. His Black hair in his eye's, his tail sticking out of the blankets and his yellow eye's slightly closed.

"Hi, baby," I said as I petted his head. I picked him up and put him on my lap. I turned off the light and slowly got into bed. I stroked his head in till I heard a soft snore. I set him on the side of me as I stood up a speed walked over to the washroom. I bent over the toilet letting out any food left in my stomach. I soon finished and walked back to bed. To see Nico sleeping soundly tucked into the blanket. I sat on the side of the bed. I rubbed his back while rubbing my stomach.

"Little boy blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack, fast asleep." I sung to my sleeping child. He turned and mumbled in his sleep. I smiled as I got comfy and went to sleep.

"Night baby," I whispered to him as I slept. Am Keith I am a galra soldier, I had Nico at the age of thirteen and I'm having another boy in two weeks and I want to get out of this hell whole.

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