🌸Arguments and Cuddles🌸

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"Fine!" Harry yells while crossing his arms.

"Fine!." Louis yells right back at him. They've been arguing ever since they got home from going out to Zayn's birthday celebration. Louis was angry because a guy named Nick was drooling over Harry the whole time. Harry being the innocent little angel he is didn't even notice all the flirty moves he was making, and this frustrated Louis even more.

Harry stomps up to their bedroom, and slams the door shut, locking it after. Louis quickly follows soon after.

"Harry, open the door." Louis shouts from the other side. Harry sits on the bed with his arms crossed pouting, not listening to a single word Louis says. "Don't ignore me Harold."

Harry continues to pout in silence until he hears Louis's loud stomps head down stairs. He sits there quietly feeling a bit sad until he gets a text.

New Message:

Handsome: Baby don't ignore me 9:43 pm
Handsome: Please don't ignore me 9:45 pm
Handsome: Pretty please with a cherry on top 9:47 pm
Handsome: Harry please 9:50 pm

No reply

Harry ignores the texts, and simply strips out of his clothes throwing on one of Louis's baggy t-shirts and taking his hair out of a bun. He cuddles up into bed not use to being in there alone, but still doesn't change his mind. No Louis.

"He's being a meanie butt." Harry thinks. He shuts the lights off, and snuggles under the blankets waiting to doze off into a peaceful sleep, but he fails horribly. He can't seem to get comfy. He tosses, and turns for what feels like years. After a while he looks over to the clock to see it read 10:28. Harry sighs and pulls himself out of bed. He tip toes to the bedroom door, and makes his way down stairs. Most of the lights are off while the living room lights have been left on. Harry silently walks over to the couch to see Louis curled up with a pillow in his arms. Even though it's just a pillow Harry gets a bit jealous, wanting to be in Louis arms instead, but he's a stubborn boy that doesn't like to be wrong.

He slowly walks over to were Louis is laying, and bends down to shake Louis shoulder.

"Lou." Harry whispers shaking his shoulder slightly. "Lou?"

Louis's eyes slowly open, and he instant pushes himself up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong, baby?"

Harry pouts sticking his bottom lip out a bit, and says, "Can't sleep."

Louis smiles slightly over how cute harry is being. He stands, and slowly picks Harry up easily. Then starts to walk back to their room. Harry buries his face into the crook of Louis neck while starting to get very sleepy again.

"Why couldn't you sleep, love?" Louis asks as he enters their bedroom.

"Need cuddles." Harry mumbles into his neck. Louis places him down into the piles of warm blankets covering their bed, and tucks him in. Louis strips down until he's only in his briefs, and crawls into bed with Harry. Harry instantly snuggles into his chest causing him to wrap his arms around the younger boy. They lay there like that for a few seconds until the green eyed boy speaks up.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers ever so quietly. Louis places a gently kiss on his forehead, and asks why. Harry continues to snuggle into Louis chest more.

"Because ... I was a poopy bum earlier." Harry grumbles half asleep. Louis smiles at his words of choice while running his fingers gently through Harry's curls.

"I'm sorry too, love. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. You didn't do anything wrong." He says continuing to runs his fingers through Harry's hair. They lay like this for a few minutes just enjoying being with one another in silence until Harry speaks up again.

"I love you." He mumbles seconds away from drifting off into sleep.

"I love you angel." Louis whispers back planting another kiss on his forehead.


Heyyy !!

So shortest chapter ever !! I know , but I just wanted to make cute little scenes from their life into a mini book !! So I hope you enjoy my cringe writing !!

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