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"Louis we have to pack." Harry says pouting as Louis snuggles into bed farther. "Tour starts tomorrow."

Louis ignores him causing Harry to pout even more. He pulls out Louis's bag, and puts it on the floor next to his. He starts to fold a few more of his shirts.

"Come cuddle, Angel." Louis says in a sleepy voice. Harry sighs shaking his head no while continuing to fold his clothes, and placing them into his bag. Louis sits up his hair falling a bit over his eyes, and Harry can't help but think about how good Louis looks at the moment. As if Louis knew what Harry was thinking he smirks. "Harry we have all day to pack. Now come cuddle your boyfriend."

"Husband." Harry corrects remembering the time Louis and him had a secret little wedding with the boys. Louis smiles trying to reach for Harry.

"Come cuddle with your husband." Louis says failing to grab Harry's shirt. Harry laughs lightly, but continues to pack his bag. Louis grumles and falls back onto their bed. Harry continues to ignore him, trying to get packing done. He walks back over to their closet, but before he can grab a few more shirts Louis picks him up bridal style.

"Louis put me down." Harry says accidently giggling as he says so. Louis just shakes his head gently diving into bed with Harry. Harry tries to get up but Louis tightens his grip on his waist while snuggling back into bed. Harry finally give up on fighting Louis's grip, and snuggles into Louis chest no longer wanting to pack either.

"Let's run away." Harry whispers. Louis just chuckles while starting to run his fingers through Harry's soft curls.

"And where are two celebrities going to be able to go without anyone seeing them, Angel?" Louis asks. Harry just shrugs closing his eyes loving the feeling of being snuggled into Louis's chest.

"What about New England?" Harry says, causing Louis to laugh again. "We could live in a lighthouse, and you could drink as much tea as you want. We can write these horrible stories about all the creatures in the sea below us."

Louis smiles fondly at the boy laying on his chest. "I don't think England is a smart place to be, baby." 

Harry sighs, but smiles already having a backup plan. He opens his eyes, looking up at his handsome husband and says, "I knew you would say that. So I have a plan B. We could live in a small tucked away village in Switzerland, and have a mini sheepy farm with a bunch of kitties."

Louis laughs while Harry continues to look at him with bright eyes. "Where on earth do you come of with this stuff?"

Harry just pouts, and snuggles back into Louis chest a bit mad. "I just want a sheepy farm with my soon to be kitty Petunia, and my meaniebutt of a husband."

Louis smiles at the boy in his arms, and kisses his head gently. "You can have your sheepy farm one day, love."

"With you?" Harry asks looking up. Louis smiles fondly loving the green eyes that are currently staring up at him.

"With me." He places a gently kiss on his husband's lips, and Louis being the most cliche husband ever runs his hands through Harry's hair while starting to sing Look After You by The Fray.

It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home

What's mine is yours to leave or take

What's mine is yours to make your own

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh

The younger boy is soon asleep in his arms. He kisses him one last time on the head before saying I love you, and dozing off as well.


Ugh I love Larry cuddles 😢 they are just so cute !!

What kind of cute moments do you all want me to write ? You can either message me or comment them 😜

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