🌹Poatato Chips and Practices🌹

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"Niall I didn't do it!" Harry hollers while running around to the other side of the stage with Niall running right behind him.

"I know you stole my chips you curly headed thief." Niall yells still running after Harry. Harry being the clumsy boy he is runs straight into Liam. He almost knocks both of them down but Liam ends up keeping both of them up and steady. Harry quickly hides behind Liam when he hears Niall's foot steps again.

"Liam tell him I didn't do it!" Harry says holding onto him tightly. Liam gives both of the boys confused faces while Niall crosses his arms with a glare on his face.

"Harry stole my chips." Niall sassed giving Harry a mean look. Liam looks down at Harry who is frowning. He laughs lightly, and looks at Niall.

"It was Zayn. I actually think he's eating them now." Liam says grinning. Niall marches off backstage to find his target while Liam laughs. Harry backs away from Liam no longer needing his protection.

"Well done Payno. He's going to kill you when he figure out you stole em." A soft voice said while two arms wrap around Harry's waist. Lou kisses his cheek causing Harry to blush.

"Hello beautiful." He whispers into Harry's ear. Harry looks down smiling while Louis rests his chin on Harry's shoulder.

"Trust me Lou Niall doesn't have a chance." Liam says while laughing. "He's not a good runner."

Before anyone else could comment Zayn and Niall both scream "Liam" at the same time. Liam instantly starts running back stage probably to his dressing room so he can lock those two out. Louis just chuckles lightly. He gently spins Harry around and continues to keep his arms wrapped around his waist. Harry couldn't help but blush. He loves when Louis wears his glasses, and today just happens to be one of those days.

"What's wrong, love?" Louis asks. Harry shakes his head. "Then why do you keep looking away?"

Harry's cheeks become even more rosey, and just as Louis said he continues to look away being the shy angel he is. Louis gently takes his hand and lift Harry's chin so they are looking into one another's eyes.

"You just look really good." Harry blurts out biting his lip after admitting what he just said. Louis just smirks while leaning in and connecting their lips. Their lips move slowly together, and just as Harry was about to deepen it Louis breaks the kiss, and mumbles, "Thank you, beautiful."

Harry blushes as Louis leans in to kiss him again, but before their lips could touch Liam burst out from back stage with a yelling Niall and Zayn right behind him.

The two lovers laugh while watching those three losers go crazy of a mini bag of potato chips.

Okay I know this is SUPER SHORT !! But honestly this seems like a typical 1D rehearsal to me !! Haha maybe I'm wrong , but this would be funny to watch XD

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