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Hello my Lovelies. It's time to sort my son Dex! This one's the longest yet, and in my opinion, the best! So strap in, and enjoy the ride.

'Would you stop freaking out?! It's going to be fine!' Dex mentally screamed at himself as he walked forward. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? He had no grudges against any of the houses. Of course, he had preferences, but honestly, he was just happy he got to go to Hogwarts. With a Muggle father, his chances were not amazing.

Professor Mcgonagall smiled at him, gently placing the hat upon his head. Well, hello Mr. Dizznee. Dex almost fell of the chair because of his startled jump.

'Uhh, hello Mr. Hat.' Even his mental voice sounded shaky from terror. But the Sorting Hat just laughed, and it managed to calm Dex microscopically.

Mr. Hat? I like you. Not many show the same kindness. You would be a fine Hufflepuff! Dex smiled a bit. Hufflepuff would be nice. His mother was a Hufflepuff, and if his father was a wizard, Dex had no doubt he would be one too. Such a tender heart. And so loyal, too. I can't remember the last time I met someone like you. Yes, Hufflepuff might just be your house.

Did that mean he was sorted? Should he take the hat off? Not quite yet, Mr. Dizznee. Although I have no doubt you would thrive in Hufflepuff, I must look at the other options. Having a hat read his thoughts was a bit creepy. But Mr. Hat (Is that what he should call him? Does the Sorting Hat have a name?) was kind to him, so it wasn't too bad. Inquisitive, I see. A very Ravenclaw trait. And, to answer your question, I do not have a name. Dex frowned.

'Well, I don't like that you don't have a name. I'm going to call you Quinn. Is that okay?' Quinn roared with laughter, shaking on Dex's head.

Once the laughter simmered down to a low rumble of amusement, Quinn spoke again. Yes, Mr. Dizznee, I am quite fond of 'Quinn'. Dex smiled, proud of himself. He didn't know why he was so terrified before; Quinn was quite nice! But, as much as I do enjoy talking with you, we must get back to the sorting. Right. That was why he was so terrified. While I see tremendous talent and potential in you, I do not see too much ambition, and you are not what I would classify as 'cunning'. I do not think you would do well in Slytherin.

Nor do you seem to fit in Gryffindor. There is little anger in you, and you like to think things out, go slowly, consider your options. No, Gryffindor is out of the equation as well. Dex nodded, impartial to the two houses. They were not his top picks anyway, not that he had anything against them. They just weren't his style. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, however, were his top picks. No matter what happened next, he would be content. Such a thirst for knowledge! Smart, as well. You love knowing how and why things work. An abundance of creativity too. You would be a model Ravenclaw... But you fit almost perfectly in Hufflepuff too...

Quinn continued debating, mostly with himself, for quite some time. Occasionally, Quinn would make a comment, usually something along the lines off His loyalty is astounding, or But so bright, or Inquisitive is a very Ravenclaw quality, but kindness is more Hufflepuff.

Dex was getting progressively more nervous at time passed by. What if Quinn couldn't decide? Would that mean he'd get kicked out? Expelled? Quinn must've caught wind of his thoughts, for he stopped debating to provide comfort. Do not worry, Mr. Dizznee. Hat stalls might not be common, but occasionally I need more time to decide where you belong. It will not affect your schooling at all. Relief soothed over Dex, and he could feel every part of him relax.

Another minute or so passed by before Dex worked up the courage to speak (Or think) 'Uhh, Quinn?' Quinn stopped, waiting for the boy to continue. 'Well, it's just, er, do I get any say in this decision? I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but...' Dex managed to catch himself before rambling.

Oh! Of course! Usually I would have asked if you had any preferences by now, but I was a bit distracted. It's been a while since my mind has been put to good use. I apologize. Where do you feel like you belong?

Dex was glad Quinn wasn't angry at him for asking the question. 'Uhh, getting into either house would be a dream come true, but if I had to pick, I would probably choose Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is amazing, don't get me wrong, but I think my mind would be put to better use if I was a Ravenclaw.' Somehow, Dex could tell Quinn was smiling.

Very well, Mr. Dizznee. I will put you in--


I really loved writing that one, so I hope you loved reading it! Leave a comment if you enjoyed, or even if you think I could do something better. I take constructive critisism. 

Next chapter is Biana! Where do you think she'll end up?

Well, until then, bye my Lovelies!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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