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ountains of food and flowers and candles were piled into the Thomas family home from neighbors and people who lived in the town. It was such a nice thing for them to do.

But... Georgia despised everything.

The things in her house reminded her that her daughter was missing every millisecond of the day.

It was like they beleived she was dead. Especially the signs and gifts plopped on her front yard that said things like:

We'll miss you Bailey Jane

Gone but never forgotten

Georgia despised the gifts and all she wanted to do was burn them until they were nothing but ashes.

But then she thought better of it because she knew that when Bailey Jane returned, she'd be estatic about the endless amount of flowers and teddy bears.


Bailey Jane sat on the nice black velvet recleiner, swinging her legs back and forth as she waited for the mysterious man who saved her to finish making her hot chocolate.

She had stared at him in the car, comparing him to the stranger danger list she had engrained in her mind. But then she stopped when she remembered how unreliable it had been when she used it with the man who had kidnapped her.

So instead, she just stared. Even when he caught her looking.

He was just so... well built. She'd never seen anyone like him and he intrigued her. Made her tummy feel funny things.

And even though he caught her staring at him in the car, he never seemed weirded out. He just gave her a small, easy smile with his strangely plump lips and then turned his eyes back to the road.

"Here you go, Bailey," he said as he passed her the warm cup of hot chocolate. "I made it warm so you don't burn yourself."

She smiled thankfully and took a small sip, immediately humming at the flavors hitting her tongue. "Thank you," she sighed.

She pouted when she remembered she left her sweets with that mean man.

"What's wrong?" He asked, raising a brow in question.

"I left my sweets," she pouted. "But this hot chocolate is much better," she added, taking another sip.

He chuckled and ruffled her curly ginger hair. "Im glad you think so. Are you warm now? Would you like a blanket?"

"I'm good, thank you." She watched as the tall man sat on the couch opposite her and he scanned her over with his mischevious brown eyes. "Can i ask for your name?" She asked shyly.

He smiled and she immediately noticed how white his teeth were. They were basically all perfect except for his two top canines which were a little long but it made him seem younger than he was. "You can ask for anything Bailey. The worst i can do is tell you is yes or no."

"Well then, what's your name?"

"My name is Adrian," he smiled as he brushed his touseled brown hair out of his face. It was combed over when she first met him.

"A-adrian?" she blushed. Why do my cheeks do this?

"Yes, baby. Adrian," he confirmed with a handsome laugh that made her insides jump.

"My name is Bailey."

"I know," he grinned. "But everyone must already call you by that name. Does anyone call you ginger baby?"

"No," she replied, her lips quirking up into a smile.

"So can i call you that?"

She thought about it and realized she'd like if she had a nickname only he used for her.

"Okay," she giggled, tucking a wisp of her hair behind her ear, though it just freed itself once again. "That's okay."

It really was okay

It really was okay

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