chap 15, P

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Tw: blood

Please listen to me
Please I beg you Virgil
Please wake up

The screams sounded familiar, the way they yelled my name, whats happening to me.

I began to cry on the table in the library. I didn't even realize I figure come towards me. I look up to see a boy standing there before me. He was short but taller than me. His hair was a hot mess, he was wearing a crop top and a a black jacket... this guy... this is my neighbor?!

"Hi... umm are you Virgil?" Said the boy rub the back of his neck.

"Yes?... Who are you?" I said gesturing towards the seat in front of me. He sat down across from me and began talking, "the name is Remy Sleep. I'm your neighbor and... Dean's roommate." He looked down when he said the last part.

"What do you want then? Did Dean sent you here to finish his work." I cocked an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Wait how the fuck do you know it was- nevermine I came here the warn you." His voice got quiet and it was getting hard hear. "Dean is planning something big. But I'm not sure what it is."

I sighed and got up grabbing my stuff. "Im leaving. See you later Remy." He grabbed my wrist, "No please... Please listen to me."

I pulled away from him, he looked down on the floor but I continue walking away. I walked out the library passing the librarian.

I walk down an empty hallway before stopping and leaned against the wall. "Bloody hell!..." I slide slowly falling down the wall. "Are they trying to make me kill myself?" No, that's not an option... well I mean it is just not a good one.

That Patton that I saw this morning, he keeps popping up in my head again and again and again. The fearful look on his face, the scars on his wrist, how skinny and frail he was. That seems nothing like Patton... but maybe that's what depression feels like to him.

I would never know... I only had anxiety problems I never had depression. I want to help him but I also want to see him suffer.... "Wait what am I thinking?! Yes I should feel bad for Patton but also I feel this might be Karma.. I am a terrible person?"

I sighed and got up from the floor. The hallways had an eerie feel to it, like when you're watching a movie or playing a video game, and before the jump scare happens. And basically felt like that.

"Aah!" I yelled in pain. The pain was coming from my back. I ran to the closes empty room I could find, an old music room. I covered my own month when I heard shoes walking down the hall. "Hello? Is someone ok?" After a while they went back to there room, I think.

I took off my jacket, throwing it too the ground. I let out my wings, which were causing the pain. I felt as far as I could, i quickly pulled a away when I felt blood. I began to look around the old music room,hope to find any thing, like a mirror or something.

The pain was coming from my left wing, and I could feel drops of blood falling on my shirt. I hit my wing on the old teachers desk, I bit down hard and i could feel tears begin to form.

I can't see what happen, I can't help myself, what do I do... then a thought of the Patton clone... he at home. But what if his memories get transferred to Patton's if he is taken back. Welp I have really have nothing to lose, except my life.... fuck it.

I painfully hid my wings and grabbed my jacket. I slowly walked out the old music room, and I put on my jacket. I didn't see anyone so I ran to the front office.

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