chap 16, M

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"I...I..I don't know..." I said still having my back to him. I slowly turned around to face him, he looked so worried. He got up and walk over to the eating area to get a stool.

"Sit down and sit up straight... please." He said grabbing something from the first aid , then walked back over to me.

"You dont have to-ahh" I stopped when I felt Roman touch close to the cut. "Fuck that hurt!..."

He didn't listen to me. "Well.. the cuts not to bad so I can just rap it up. I just need to clean it first." He said, I could feel his touch getting closer to the cut.

"Will that hurt?" I ask, I tensed up every time he got closer to the cut.

"Of course it's going to hurt."

It did hurt, what ever that stuff was, it hurt like hell. When Roman was done, he started rapping my lower back and stomach. That part didnt really hurt that much. It was just really tight around my stomach but Roman said that's normal. The whole process took like an hour.

He started putting the first aid away, I was still sitting on the stool. We both turned to the front door, three assh- people walked in: Thomas, Logan, and Patton. They stopped when they saw Roman with me.

"Roman what are you doing?" Logan asked his voiced was sharp, his arms were crossed.

"Um.. well Virgil was hurt so I was help him. Why is that so bad?" Roman said he looks worried.

"Roman looks worried" these few words echoed crossed my mind. Why was he worried: for him, for me?

"Roman I thought you hated him?" Patton yelled out from behind the two taller boys.

"I did but-" I cut Roman off.

"Stop. I'm leaving." I said getting up from the stool. "There is no reason to fight now." I walked passed the three boys and went up the stairs.

I got to my room and  I opened my door to see someone standing in my room. It was the boy from the Library. Remy.

"What are you doing here?! Get out!" I yelled I took a few steps back when he began to walk closer. "Stay away from me!"

He grabbed my arm and put his hand over my mouth. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, fear ran through my body. The foot steps got closer to my room, the boy's eyes lit up as the foot steps stop in front of my room.

"Virgil? Are you ok in there?" It was once again Roman "I heard yelling is everything ok?"

The boy's eyes were still lit a shining gold. "Im fine it was just a video game." His voice sounded just like me, on edge and shaking a bit. "Dont worry Roman im fine."

"Ok. What ever you say." The Roman said his voice sounded concerned and he stayed in front of the door for a bit, but soon he walked away. The boy's went back to a soft brown.

"You promise not to yell again?" He said in his normal voice, I think. I nodded and took his hand off my mouth. "I need to tell you something important-" I cut him off.

"I dont want to hear it get out of here now." i demanded he didn't move.

"I need to tell you why Roman is not hating you right now." He said in a annoyed tone. "Do you know about the power to change an opinion about someone?"

I nodded it power about everyone wished they had.

"Someone at the school has it, and Dean paid them to make your roommates hate you." As he spoke I remembered my roommate's eyes, how they were so blank and cold. Then I remembered Logan... his eyes when he..he..kissed me they were lifeless.

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