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When I reached the car I jerked the handle but the passenger door wouldn't open. I pulled harder and it opened with a jerk that sent me falling to the concrete. Pulling myself up, I looked up at the driver. His head was leaning against the steering wheel and blood covered his clothes. I pulled myself into the passenger seat, to get a better look at him.

Unbuckling his seat belt I pushed his head back gently to lean against the seat. His hair was matted with blood. He had a giant cut on the side of his cheek between his nose and his ear.

" Hello. Sir? Are you all right?" I said

He didn't answer.

" Hey are you OK? Are you here?"

I wanted to lean into his chest to feel a pulse but was scared to, if he was going to wake up and see my head on his chest. As I glanced at his chest his jacket raised up and down slowly.

" Of thank goodness your not dead" I said under my breath. Though I had no reason to because he didn't seem to be responsive at the moment. I saw his phone  laying on the floor of the trashed passenger seat. I grabbed it and called the police.

" What is your emergency?" Said a slightly sleep tone.

" Hi. I just got in an accident with another car. I'm hurt and the other person is knocked out. We need an ambulance." I said trying to stay calm but I was panicking on the inside as I looked at the boy sitting in the other seat slumped over leaning against where the window had once been.

" OK. Miss I am going to need you to tell me where you are so that I can send an ambulance to you." the women said.

I looked left and right but it was to dark for me to see any street signs.

" I don't know where we are. It's too dark for me to see any signs" My panic was starting to escape.

" Miss please calm down. I need you to see if you can find a street. Can you walk?"

" Yes." I replied looking at my legs.

" OK can you please see if you can find a street. I will be on the phone with you the entire time if you would like."

" Yes, thank you." I said slightly relived. But I looked over at the guy next to me. I didn't want to leave him cause something may happen.Someone may come by and he obviously could signal a passing car to help us.

" Miss are you still there? " said a slightly worried tone on the other end.

" Yes, sorry I was just thinking."

" OK. Why don't you tell me what happened as you were about to hit this other car." She said

" Um well I was driving along the road," I said as I started to make my way up said road." And I was sorta zoned out while I was driving and the next thing I know I see head lights and we crashed." I looked back at the two cars sitting there wondering if he was OK.

" Can I ask miss, where you on any medication that can make you drowsy or alcohol while you were driving?"

" No." I said. My eyes finally fully adjusted to the darkness. I could make out the curve  in the road  I made before the accident not to far ahead. I tried to run but a sharp pain shot up my left leg. I let out a small moan.

" Ma'am are you OK?" her voice was a little tense.

" Yes I'm fine. Just some pain in my leg." I said." But I think I see a road ahead."

" OK. Can you read the sign?"

" Um, yeah. Its Westminster road. It also says north."

" OK, are there any landmarks near you?"

" Yeah there is a lake. We crashed just over a bridge.I can't remember the name of it though."

" Its all right. I know where you are. We are going to have police and ambulances heading there and running along the road. Would you like me to stay on the phone?"

" No. As long as they are heading down here I am fine. Thank you though." I said

" Your welcome miss." She said. Her voice seemed grateful. I'm not sure of what, but I smiled.

I wobbled down to the cars and sat next to the boy I hit.Looking at him every so often to make sure his chest kept rising up and lowering back down. Last seeing his chest rise up once more before I fell asleep.

He Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now