Silence after a storm.

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It was 11.30am. Randhir working in the suddenly gets a call and he runs out.

At clg.

Maddy with his friends are seen standing in front of the principal office other side there are other boys. Rd entered. San came running.

" what happened" Rd ask

" he fought with some guys. And he is hurt but not taking care of it" San tells.

Rd goes straight to him and pull him to the medical room.

" bhai bhai" maddy shouts.

He makes him sit. And wipes his blood coming out from his lips.

" what happened." Rd asks.

" nothing bhai just a small fight" maddy says Rd glares.

" bhai I was going to San mam class. Suddenly they stopped me and started talking rubbish then they slapped me so I...." he bow down. Rd throws the cotton down and runs out he get hold of the guy and starts beating him.

" you slapped my brother how dare u" rd beats others hold him.

" what brother brother he is ur step brother right after all an illegitimate child u are raising ur hands on me" the other boy shouts. Rd becomes num

" he is my brother what are u talking.. Stop that rubbish" and maddy starts beating him.

" stop it" the principal shouts.

" Mr malhotra u cannot do this inside the campus. By the way I told u to call his brother right San u called him" princi says.

" he is also my brother only sir" maddy answers. Rd looks at him. Principal takes him inside for talking about maddy. Maddy and San stay outside other students leave fuming in anger.

" thanks mam" maddy says.

" for what" San asks.

" for calling Randhir bhai and not manik bhai" maddy says. San just smiles.

Rd comes out glaring maddy. Maddy hides behind San.

" its OK Rd leave. U know right." San says.

" u call him Rd then u know him... Only aryab bhai parth bhai calls him like this. They are his close one and u..... Maddy doubts.

" friend I am his friend " San says.

" he talks to girls also" eying Rd he says. Rd glares.

" come we will go home" Rd says.

He nodes and moves out. Rd hugs San and says bye. Maddy feels something fishy.

At home.

They reach home. Maddy sees manik car and his heart beat increase. He looks and rd. Maddy walks in front and Rd at back

" all over. Ur fight for ur brother haan" manik asks.

Maddy gulps

" b... H... Ai.." maddy stammers.

" principal called me and told everything". Manik says.

Maddy gulps. Rd don't know what to do

" u are becoming a uncontrollable fellow day by day. I will control u today. Fighting in clg haan" manik asks. Maddy sees ragini. She stays quiet.

Manik asks a stick from Lisa his servant.

" bhai plz so... Rry" maddy mutters and move back. But manik is in peak anger. He started to beat him.

" manik" ragini shouts. But he beats him. Maddy cries in pain.

" bhai it's paining plzzzz". Suddenly some one stops him.

" manik it's my mistake. I went to clg. It was my mistake he doesn't even talk to me other days. He hates me." Rd says.

" you r saving him haan. I got to know everything Lisa told me about ur food section ur clg dropping section every thing." manik says.

" how can u Haan ur mother captured my father now u are capturing my brother. " manik shouts. Rd stays quiet for the first time even after talking ill about his mother

" bhai this is too much " maddy resist.

" too much right. How can u maddy. I trusted u always u cheated me. How can u be close to someone who stole our happiness. How can u" manik break down.

Ragini comes and holds him. He wipes his tears.

" hereafter no one will tell u any thing talk with him party with him. Do any thing I don't care." manik says and leaves.

" he shouts bhai and cries.

Rd moves to his room.

Rd thinks" maa I am a mistake I am a mistake maa. I spoiled everyone's happiness I am a mistake " he cries.

IN maddy s room.

He is seen crying. Ragini comes in and places her hand on his head and caresses. After a long time he suddenly says.

" it was my first day in school few seniors made fun of me took away my things I was too small to handle but he came and helped me and warned them not to do this again because he is my bhai. Maa I don't want to hurt manik bhai but he was all alone ma no one was there to take care of him maa. Initially it started with than but later I wanted to fill his loneliness maa. But that doesn't mean I don't want manik bhai maa he fill a father's place in my life maa. " then cries very badly and hugs ragini. I want both maa I want both. Ragini also cries.

IN manik room.

Nan enters sees manik upset. He is crying badly once he sees nandini he hugs her.

" today he proved he doesn't want me. He want him. I want to fill the place of the father in his life. See even today that man is not with us always stays away from us. But maddy don't want me na he want that randhir. Am I that cruel.

" no manik cool down" nan tries to console him.

All in tears in malhotra mansion.

Next day.

Manik did not talk to maddy. Maddy tried but failed both are upset. Rd did not come out of the room. Ragini started

" all are going to a temple today as we do every year get ready" no one responds

" I said all" she shouts. " Lisa tell randhir also."

All get ready and come down. Ragini maddy in one car. Manand and Rd in their individual cars.

All reach the temple.

" I will get the arthi plate u guys wait" she goes

A car comes in opp direction it is approching ragini Rd sees it he shouts.

" maa" and runs to her and pushes he both fall on the other side of the road and Rd 's head gets hitted and he looses blood.

All are shocked All comes running. Rd loses his consciousness

" randhir" ragini shouts

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