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All are present in the hall.
" San di I am going " shivam says.
"  Stay na" San says.
" No Di I don't know why but there is no call from Bhai or Bhabhi . I guess something is not fine so I am leaving"
Ruhi enters.
" Maa urgent work so I should go to clg" she says
" Maddy will drop u" ragini says
" No maa I will go with Shivam . Come fast idiot" ruhi pulls him and moves out .
San and nan moves to kitchen San thinks something .
" What are u thinking" San asks.
" No ruhi have changed. She is so innovert she just talked with whom she is close . U know how much time she took even to talk to u but now see she just became so close to Shivam within few days" nan says.
" Shivam na he is sweet . Every one likes him" San smiles. Nan also smiles.

Manik hugs nan From back.
" Baby come let's go baby wants u"
" Even after getting your baby u are calling me baby." Nan smiles
" You are my baby always"
Nan blushes.
" Leave me manik Di is watching" .
" Now only u got to know this" San laughs. Manan moves out.
San laughs and leaves to her room.
Rd is seen playing with their child.
" Morning itself papa son started playing" she asks.
" Ma is not ready to play right that's why" rd says.
" Rd " she shouts.
" He needs a younger brother it seems so" rd says.
" No way" San throws pillow on him .rd pulls her and both fall on the bed. Lost in each other.
" Ahem" a voice comes both turns.
" Pa" rd says.
" I came to ... Leave it ragini" he calls.
Ragini comes.
" Take baccha with u to our room " he says. Ragini looks at him .
"  we will play with him Yaar we are his grandparents" Neil says.
Ragini takes the kid and go
" Now no disturbance u guys romance but close the door and do whatever u want to do" he close the door and leave.
" What happen now " rd asks.
" Because of u " San chases him and rd runs.

Shivam reaches home all are tensed.
He looks at Nisha . She points Palak.
He asks what .
" Bhabhi what is going on"  Shivam asks.
" Palak is pregnant " Shivam face blooms " but she wants to abort the child" rithwik says.
" But why" Shivam asks.
" Shivam it's not that I don't want a kid but I don't want it now.  You guys know right how our Shaadi happened. It was not a usual one. Shivam and kabir are my responsibility. Kabir settled down in life . I want Shivam to also settle down . Then we will think about our future" Palak says
" It's your wish " rithwik says.
"Wait Bhabhi ( he smiles) you guys don't want a child then why are u guys blaming me yaar . Anyways I am going to do something in life is this baby of urs going to stop me doing that. Bhabhi you know what you are afraid to become a parent that's why you are trying reasons to avoid pregnancy" Shivam speaks. Palak cries
The next second there lands a slap in his face it was Nisha.
" What are you talking . She fears to bear a child . No she is wishing to have a child. Every time someone asks her why don't you have a child her face changes but she smiles again only seeing you. She resisted all her happiness just because of u. Kabir was big when ur parents parents passed away. u were just 9 years . When she came into this house she came in as a mother for both u that's the very reason even today she makes decisions which favours both of u . But u shivam crossed ur limits you took her for granted. I tell u know she will bear this child . Hereafter she will be selfish living only for her life her children and her husband. Suffer the pain without a mother Shivam you know her value come di'" Nisha leaves with Palak .
Kabir stares at him and go. Rithwik also leaves.

Next day at malhotra mansion.
All younger ones are present in the hall.
" I don't even believe Shivam said all this . Nisha was so upset when she called me yesterday" San says.
" He don't seems to be so bad Yaar" manik says.
"  Who knows" rd says.
" He has lost his mind" Maddy says.
" Let him suffer . He has to pay for what he have done. And moreover he has become selfish now a days" pihu says.
Ruhi stays quiet all the time but now burst outs.
" Stop it plz don't make him a criminal".
" Ruhi we were just talking" nan says.
" Don't talk with out knowing the whole fact may be he was not wrong" ruhi says.
" Ruhi I know him from childhood he can talk anything in anger" pihu shouts.
" Anger maybe but what made him angry Haan Di's abortion. And about ur friendship you Connor judge a person by how long u know them but how well u know them" ruhi says.
" What do you mean ". Pihu asks.
" Even I know Maddy from childhood but I did not know he don't like me and liked u.  Same way  pihu" she moves out . Pihu cries.
" Ruhi" nan shouts.

Manan hug pihu . Sandhir looks at ruhi going.

A big argument between them made sandhir think about the matter.

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