cutting all ties.

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All three run in search of Maddy.
" Oh god he is not here" ruhi says.
" Where did he go ???" Pihu says.
" He was frustrated he can do anything thing" pihu sit down keeping her hand on her head.
" Exactly" shivam shouts.
" What" ruhi asks
" People usually go bar or drink alcohol while upset" shivam says.
" Who will do that" ruhi says.
" I will do" shivam mummers.
" What " ruhi asks
" Nothing" he says.
" Guys stop it " pihu gets up
" Pihu does he drink" shivam questions.
" Yes no" pihu ruhi says respectively. Ruhi looks at pihu shockingly.
" Yes.... occasionally" pihu turns  her face.
" Haan then he will be in the bar come " Shivam moves.
" You will search all the bars for him " ruhi asks.
" No here is bar next to this restaurant he will be there" shivam says.
" Are you a magician to see and tell where he is???" Ruhi asks.
" No common sense is enough to tell this . The nearby bar so he will be there moreover he did not take any of the vehicles so common sense he will be some where nearby " Shivam says with a sarcastic smile.
" Guys come let's go" pihu pulls both of them.

They enter the bar only to see Maddy in drunken state. Pihu runs to him.
" Maddy " she calls him shakes him.
" Pihu (hiccups and smiles) . What are u doing her pihu ( hiccups)." Maddy slutters while speaking.
" Why are u drunk plz come with me na"pihu cries.
" Everything is gone everything....( Cries) with great difficulty I brought them together now they want their own happiness not mine not mine pihu I am done with this"Maddy cries pihu hugs him.
Shivam comes near him and sees his place.
" Oh god he finished 2 bottles" shivam things.
Suddenly Maddy releases the hug .
" But now it is celebration time . I am going to live my life independently by my own so cheers" and Maddy forces pihu to drink pihu drink two or three sips Shivam pushes pihu back and shouts.
" Maddy what are u doing"
Ruhi holds pihu .
" Pihu are u ok just few sips right nothing will happen" ruhi comforts her.
" You enjoy darling" Maddy puts the bottle on shivam's mouth and empties it. Just then pihu ruhi notices it and runs to them.
" Give me company shivam" Maddy request.
Ruhi nodes no but he is no mood to listen after the taste of alcohol reached his mouth both get drunk.

Next morning.
" Aaaahhhhhh" both Shivam and Maddy get up. They see lemon water and tablet in the table they take it just then ruhi and pihu enters.
" Idiot woke up " ruhi throws the pillow.
" Both got drunk then we brought u here thank God my maasi was out of town so we brought u here orelse" ruhi shouts.
Shivam nodes first and realize
" Oh no" he shouts.
" What" all three asks.
" I did not inform Bhai shit he will eat me up " he place his hand on head and takes his mobile.
" 120 missed calls. You are dead  Shivam " he gets up and runs.
" Maddy you get back home " pihu says.
" Haan drop me home and then you go" Shivam says.

Both leaves. Pihu sees them sadly.
" He will be ok " ruhi hugs her.
Maddy drops Shivam and Shivam enters inside.
He slowly moves without anyone's notice .
" Shivam" Palak calls him.
" Where were u all the time we were so tensed Haan" Palak shouts.
"Bhabhi plz stop shouting Bhai will come plzzz" he requests.
"Let Bhai come you will know then" Kabir says.
"Plzz Kabir Bhai" he says.
"Palak "  rithwik shouts. Then Shivam hides behind Palak and nisha.kabir stands a little further.
" I am leaving if that idiot come na call me immediately" rithwik says.
" Ji jiju" Nisha says.
" Palak get me some water" all look at rithwik .
" Baby get jiju water don't disturb Palak di" Nisha says. Rithwik finds something fishy.
" Palak what happen to u" he asks.
" Nothing"Palak says. Rithwik moves behind and pulls shivam. All are shocked.
" Wow Shivam " rithwik says shivam gulps in fear.
" When did sir come" rithwik asks smiling. It is a silence before storm.
" Just now" Shivam answers.
" Where were u" rithwik asks slowly.
" Fri... friend ki Ghar" Shivam says.
Rithwik nodes moves back to a place and searches something.
" U know how many times I called you once I could have picked up and told right and you very well know that it may be any cause you should be back home by11 right" rithwik says and takes a stick out . Shivam moves back.
" Sorry Bhai" and starts running rithwik chases him .
" Leave him na" palak shouts.

Two pair of eyes sees this it's Maddy he thinks.
" Manik Bhai sorry I won't touch the bike again" Maddy runs while shouting.
" You stop there knowing you are not allowed to ride it you did it wait I will teach u today" manik runs behind him . San and nan tries to stop him. Suddenly from nowhere rd comes and hold his ears.
" Now come on manik beat him" rd says.
" Bhai no plzz" Maddy closes his eyes but could feel anything. He opens his eyes all laughs .
" Leave him Yaar he is scared" rd laughs.
" So u will not beat me right " Maddy asks.
Both nodes no he runs away.

He was brought back by shivam's shout
" Aaaahhhhhh Bhai at least leave my ears already I am doing sit ups right plz paining . I won't do it next time"
Shivam shouts.
" Leave him"Palak shouts and turns he notices Maddy.
" You " she asks.
" Shivam's friend." He says and looks at shivam and he stops doing sit ups rithwik eyes him to continue. He make faces . Maddy laughs.
" His mobile he left it in my car" Maddy leaves Palak says thanks.

Maddy goes to the car and tears roll down from his eyes

" Maddy don't cry for them leave them they don't need you" he wipes his tears and leave home.

He enters the house nan comes running.
" Maddy where were you" nan asks.
He just leaves with out responding.

Other side
Rd is so upset San comes to her.
" What happen " she asks .
He nodes nothing and leaves from there.

Manik is seen sitting in a lonely place and we can see tears running down his cheeks.

In a cafe
Ruhi and pihu is seen
" Ruhi what are you saying" pihu questions
" We should use Maddy without his knowledge to bring rd and manik Bhai closer " ruhi says.
" How " pihu asks.
Ruhi smiles

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