Twin prank (prt 4)

324 8 4

Len: *in runs clothes* ok, anon! attention!

Anon: *in kanons clothes* gosh, sure lieutenant len.

Len: listen up! we'll take turns, I'll go first and play as rin then You can prank kanon!

Anon: look, I'm the only person here so mind quieting down a bit len?

Len: ok ok. leave it to the master. *walks into kitchen* hey kaito!

Kaito: rin! you gotta help out, len's stolen one of my ice creams!

Len: no I- oh wait, len stole your ice cream?

Kaito: yeah! mind helping me find him?

Len: errr, sure! just a sec- *goes to anon* sounds like rin an kanon are prancing us as well!

Anon: keep your voice down! and... you don't say?

Len: you know what that means right?

Anon: no

Len: this means war...

Anon: don't say it...

Len: childish war.

Anon: damn

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