Piko in fnaf 1

46 4 2

Night 1

Piko: urg. can't believe I've gotta work for 6 hours for minimum wage. IN A CREEPY CHUCKY CHEESE!

Piko: whatever. gotta get dis done. *checks cameras* ok, nothing...

Phone guy, aka kaito: konichiwa? Koonnniiiiicccchhhhiiiiwwwwaaaa?

Piko: ...

Kaito: hi! Welcome to your first night, at meiko mazbears pizza. um... I prerecorded these messages to keep you allllllliiiiivvvvvveeeeeee- CAUSE IM TO PHONE GUY! Anyway, I'm here to basically help you out. cause it's not like you'll die actually!!! So... this is location four, donchaknow. Yeah, the last one was fine till the bite of whatever year but everyone will be obsessed with it soon enough.

Piko: the what? Watty watty wattpad? Watttt?!?!?!

Kaito: so, the animatronics, miku the money- hehe, I mean bunny, rin the rooster... Well, duck actually. Then there's Lenny the fox, and obviously meiko mazbear the bear. Sadly, the Lenny attractions closed due to... Reasons.

Piko: I don't know how to deal with this

Kaito: well... At night they walk about. Rin likes to chill in the kitchen, so she might bring ya pizza... If they won't don't not recognise you as an endoskeleton without a costume and forcefully stuff you in a suit.

Piko: hahaha... What

Kaito: yeah, they used to walk about in the day but the bite of whatever year but everyone will be obsessed with that year ruined that. Now that I think about it, I can't remember which place had the bite cause of all theses theories

Piko: ...... D:

Kaito: but y'know, just watch the cameras... Especially pirates cove... And check the lights in case rin brings pizza, and shut the door if they decide to kill you :3 oh, and you have limited power. Now that I've wasted four hours of your night, have fun~!

Piko: I'm dead *checks cameras* mikus gone... WAIT WHAT


Night 2

Piko: well that went well

Kaito: KONICHIWA! Well done for surviving the first night. But that night sucks anyway and everyone can pass it, so don't feel good about yourself.

Piko: oh you're jolly

Kaito: so yeah. I really don't know what to say here... Ummm... I worked in that office before you. But I'm fired for kil- kidding around. But I'm still working here. At least while I'm recording this. I know you said you'd work for five nights, but so did i and I'm working night 7. So yeah. Blah blah blah, stuff people forget, stuff unrelated to the plot of the plot less game, check cameras, night *stops*

Piko: derp. The heck did he talk about? *checks cameras* miku and rins gone already?? *checks time* 3am?! The heck?! Stupid author can't think of what to make happen. *checks lights* nothing there, but RINS HERE

Rin: yo, wanna have some pizzzzzzaaa?

Piko: *shuts door*

Rin: oh, dats how it gonna be? It on now! *backs away slowly*

Piko: *opens door* well that was weird. *checks lights*

Miku: hi.

Piko: NOT TILL NEXT GAME *shuts door*

Miku: lol ima stay here.


Miku: damn son


Night 3

Piko: this better be the hard part

Kaito: yo. So... More unrelated plot stuff, plot related stuff writer can't remember, check lights, camera, action, bye *gone*

Piko: @.o *checks cameras* *all three gone* DA FUDGE *checks lights* *nothing* *checks lenny* Rinnys tweaking out... And lenny's peeking out... I'm losing my power just keeping them out... Maybe the place is haunted... And all they want is closure

Miku: *dramatic music* enjoy your five long nights kick back and take a slice if you get killed on the job we cannot cover your Loss just get to six and you'll be fine~

Rin: :p

Meiko: hahaha I sound like a girl.

Piko: watts that... smell...?

Miku: blood

Rin: pizza!

Meiko: saké

Lenny: boo

Piko: *le dead*

Meiko: ... Dude he kinda sucks at this

Gumi: awww I didn't get a go.

Meiko: cause you don't appear till later.

Gumi: but îTš Më

Miku: your just gold

Rin: you're*

Night 4

Piko: well somehow I managed to pass that night.

Kaito: blah blah blah science science science BIGGER. Oh, and could you check the springtrap anamatronic cause I think some dudes in dere. *screams*

Voice: heeeerrrrrrreeeessssss Meiko!

Phone: *dead*

Piko: *checks cameras* ewww meiko's ripping her head off! Oh wait that's a poster... Da fudge

Miku: *in the party room* I am gonna Miku Miku you!

Piko: *screams* *goes back to other camera* why is... Gumi... Dere *puts down camera* *screams*

Gumi: *in office* muhahhahahahhahahaaha

night 5

phone: *evil food eater conchita*

Piko: 0^0 I'm dead.

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