Chapter 12

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Klaus walked through the woods on his way back to the mansion, as much as he wanted to flash back to see his brother's face once more just to be sure it wasn't a cruel trick of his mind, he needed a few quiet moments with himself to mull things over. The pain still ran through his body like a pack of savage wolves and for once in his life, no, now let's be honest with our self here, for the first time in his life he blamed no one but himself. Klaus didn't know which was worse, the things he had done to Caroline or the things he had said to her. His stomach still twisted in knots thinking of how she could not even stand the sight of him while he was in all his spiteful glory. Klaus paused as he came closer to the pond in the back lot of his property, he leaned his body against a thick tree while he looking to the full moon as if it would hold some sort of guidance for him. He didn't know where to begin to earn her forgiveness, the only times he had ever tried to gain forgiveness was with his siblings, he'd give Rebekah some new jewelry or a dress and she would be civil with him again, or when he needed someone for a plan of his, then he would just turn up the charm and have them eating out of the palm of his hands once more. Wow. It must be nice to just snap you fingers and get whatever you want...I get it. Your father didn't love you so you assume that no one else will either. That's why you compel people, or you sire them or you try to buy them off. But that's not how it works. You don't connect with people because you don't even try to understand them. Klaus release a long sigh as he heard Caroline's words drift through his mind. He hung his shaking head; Caroline had already tried to teach him, he just hadn't paid close enough attention. She had given him her honesty that night and he while he had thanked her for it, he hadn't truly understood her meaning until this very night. He couldn't just throw jewels and smiles at her expecting that to be enough to make everything go away. That was not Caroline; he knew she would not respond to anything less than something meaningful. He knew he had to actually show her he was worthy of her forgiveness, not just give her meaningless trinkets that did not hold any value past their appearance. Klaus pushed his body away from the tree, this was going to take some serious contemplation on his part to not only prove to her he truly regretted his actions but that he was also worthy of her and her forgiveness. For now though Klaus needed to find out what had happened with Kol and how the bloody hell he was alive again.

Klaus walked into the house from the back entrance near the kitchen, listening closely to the sounds in the house to pin point where his brothers were current residing. Hearing the clinks of glasses and the crackle of a fire he made his way towards the front parlor. He found Elijah sitting behind the desk adjacent to the windows while Kol was perched comfortably in the chair across the room.

Kol threw his arms out wide, "Nik! You've returned to us! I take it things did not go well with the lovely Lady Caroline?"

Klaus bristled at Kol's inquiry as he walked to the desk to pour himself a drink from the carafe of Bourbon Elijah had obviously set out. "That's none of your concern Kol." Klaus turned and pointed at Kol with his tumbler, "What I would like to hear from you is how you are alive and well once more."

Elijah spoke up from behind him, "I have been trying to get his explanation for nearly an hour now Niklaus, but he continues to dodge my question."

Kol took a sip of his Rum grinning as he pulled it away from his mouth, "I figured I'd wait until we were all present, why repeat my tale when I can tell you all at once. Isn't that right sister?"

The other men turned to the door to see a pale and shaken Rebekah standing there looking hesitantly into the room. Klaus instantly was at her side grabbing both her arms and turning her to face him, "What is it Bekah? What happened?"

Rebekah's wide frightened eyes looked up into his, "Nik," her voice was nothing but a shaky whisper, "That's not Kol. It can't be...Kol...he...died Nik."

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