Chapter 15

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After pulling out of the driveway Stefan moved his hand forward to turn on the radio to serve as a distraction and to give him time to think about how to approach Klaus only to be stopped by Klaus's hand holding his wrist. "I believe I had enough of your musical tastes during our summer road trip to last for the next century Ripper."

Stefan rolled his eyes but nodded his head pulling his wrist back, "It's not my fault you can't appreciate the music of the Eighty's."

"Please, that was not music. All they produced in that era was nothing but noise." Klaus shifted in his seat to face Stefan so he could gather any information he could find off the Ripper's face. Attempting to retain the jealousy from his voice Klaus asked, "So instead of you making our ears bleed with that incessant racket, why don't you tell me what's going on between you and Caroline."

Stefan glanced over to Klaus with his eyebrow raised critically. "Why don't you tell me the same? What exactly is your relationship with her?"

Klaus shot him a teasing but serious look, "I believe the common phrase the youth of today say is, I asked you first."

Stefan pressed the clutch in and shifted gears as they merged onto the highway. "She's my best friend. We look out for each other and I care about her. Not that I expect you to understand the concept of friends but we're close."

Klaus scoffed "Right. If you are so close to her you would be around for her more often than you are. Where have you been but chasing after a girl that choose the lesser of two brothers while sharing a bed with my sister." At Stefan's shocked look Klaus smirked tilting his head to the side, "You think I didn't know about that. Stefan, Stefan. I know all too well about the, ah shall we say, relations between you and Rebekah. Did you forget I was there the first time in the Twenty's?"

Stefan shook his head; he really didn't want to discuss whatever it was that was going on between him and Rebekah. Stefan glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure Caroline was still right behind them as he heard a semi truck's horn. "What about the relations between you and Caroline? I don't care how much more powerful you are than me Klaus, if you hurt her or are using her I will find a way to put you down. If you're just playing a game with her Klaus, don't. She's been through enough."

Klaus tightened his hands in to fists as he growled out, "I'm not playing any games Ripper. I suggest you tread carefully with what you are suggesting."

Stefan glanced over to Klaus with a hard look, "And now you are the one who seems to forget. I was with you in the Twenty's, I seen the way you were with women. She's not like that Klaus. She won't be able handle being used and thrown away again. More than that, she doesn't deserve that."

Klaus played attention to the fact that this was twice now Stefan had alluded to the point of Caroline being hurt and used. "What do you mean by that?"

Stefan realized his slip and closed his eyes for a second as he released a heavy sigh, "Look I'm not going to gossip with you about her past. If she wants to tell you then she will. But I will give you this; everyone in her life has left her or hurt her in some way. But not before she puts her whole self into them on the off chance that they will stay." Looking at Klaus again with honest eyes, "She's one of the good ones Klaus, the really good ones. I just want her to be happy. She deserves that after all she has been through."

Klaus knew all too well just who Caroline was he did not need the Ripper of all people explaining it to him. His jealousy raged through him at the obvious feelings Stefan carried for her, "Sounds to me as if you have some deep rooted feelings for Caroline. Don't you have enough women in your life as it is Ripper?"

Stefan laughed which caused Klaus to grind his teeth in vexation. "In the words of Caroline herself," he looked at Klaus and changed his voice to mimic Caroline, "Seriously? Eww gross!" Stefan noticed Klaus still looked upset and even with the smile he was trying to fight; Stefan could see what looked to be jealousy in his eyes. Stopping his laughter Stefan told him with a serious tone, "Caroline is like the little sister I never had. Hell! Sometimes I wish I could trade in Damon for her. So if you are worried that there might be something going on between us, you can let that go."

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