Chapter 19

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Klaus made his way down the staircase to the study after his talk with Kol. It wasn't the easiest thing to do by any means but he knew it had to be done. As childish as his younger brother could tend to be, Klaus knew without a doubt that Kol would do whatever he had to in order to protect those he cared for. And for some reason Caroline fell gracefully into that category, not that he didn't understand it, caring for her was as easy as breathing. He failed to understand how all those in her life continued to push her aside, turning a blind eye while allowing horrible things to happen to her. He recalled his conversation with the Ripper and his fists clenched at his sides. Stefan knew his despicable brother had done something to her and it made Klaus wonder to just what extent of it he was aware of.

As Klaus rounded the corner of the staircase making his way down the hall he relaxed his hands to focus and his task ahead of him. He would be of no help to Caroline if he allowed his rage and need for violence to overtake him. The moment he pushed those feeling aside his worry over the condition he would find her in after all she had been through today flooded his body. He was at a loss on just how to comfort her, let alone which topic to broach with her first. Maybe she would rather not speak of anything at all. She might just want to be alone after everything that had transpired. After all, that is what he would want so he could process the information and begin piecing together just what to do next. He took solace in the fact that she was here waiting for him, that must mean she wanted to see him.

Klaus drew in a breath as he made it to the closed door of the study, drawing from his inner strength so he could properly decipher Caroline's state of mind in order to find a way to be what she needed, before opening it and walking in the room. What he found was not what he had expected at all and it caused him to pause after shutting the door behind him. There in the darkened room Caroline sat in the corner of the sofa with her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. Her eyes reflected the moon's light as they looked at him coldly, her harsh voice pinned him to the floor.

"Did you know?"

Unable to respond through his stun he continued to stare at her, which Caroline took as conformation. She scoffed as she shook her head back and forth, "Of course you did. I mean why else would you put so much effort into wooing me." She stood from the sofa stalking her way to him, "So what was the plan huh? What were you going to use me for? Why mess with my head making me think that you actually care about me?"

Klaus narrowed his eyes at her, speaking through his teeth, "On the grounds that you've had a trying day, I am willing to look past this momentary lapse in judgement."

Caroline's eyes flashed in anger as she shoved him, "Stop playing games with me!" She anger turned inwards as the tears began to form in her eyes, "I'm so sick of everyone doing this to me! I thought you were different! I actually thought that you..."

Klaus took a step closer to her, hovering over her with his face inches from hers as he growled, "That I what? That I care for you? That I only want to be near you, help you?" Klaus huffed as he went on, "You seem to be under the misconception that I was aware of who you were and where you came from."

Caroline snorted as she crossed her arms replying surely, "And you are going to try and tell me that you didn't?" her eyebrow rose mockingly.

Losing his patience Klaus shouted, "That's exactly what I am saying! I was just in the dark about this as you were!" His head fell backwards, "Fuck Caroline!" Gathering himself he calmed himself before looking at her, his hands raised slightly by his sides, "What more do I have to do to prove myself to you? What more could you possibly want from me? What will it take hmm? Do you need to hear I went after that retched worthless Damon after what I heard? So blinded by my rage at what he had done to you that all I could see was red?" He watched as Caroline's eyes widened and he made his way closer to her, "Do you need to hear that I will do anything to protect you? Tear apart all those who dare to lay a finger on you?" He ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, whispering, "What will it take Caroline?" slowly tracing them down her neck before placing both hands on her upper arms.

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