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Hope, Josie, and Valerie held hands as Josie and Hope chanted the spell. Valerie was able to perform her magic since her magic had made it dormant, but Josie was still able to siphon her since it was still inside her, just hidden.

As they were performing the spell, Josie suddenly let out a gasp as she released Hope and Valerie's hand, clutching her stomach, "Why'd you stop?" Hope asked her confused.

"This is twin pain," Josie told Hope and Valerie, continuing to clutch her stomach as she groaned in pain, "Something's wrong. I think Lizzie is in trouble."

Meanwhile later, Hope, Valerie, and Josie stood in front of Dorian, who sat at a table outside the Mystic Grill, the three girls trying to convince him to let them leave, "I'm sorry. I can't let you leave." Dorian stated.

"No, I need to go home to see my sister," Josie argued with him.

"Your dad's with your sister. And I'm under strict orders to keep you here." Dorian informed Josie, who seemed to be deeply confused.

"What? Why?" Josie asked him confused.

Hope's eyes immediately locked on the book Dorian was formerly reading before the three girls approached him, "And why are you researching that?" Hope asked curiously.

Dorian quickly leaned forward in his seat and closed the book. He sighed out, shifting uncomfortably before he began to explain to the girls about what was happening back at the Salvatore school.


After being shot with tranquilizers, Landon and Rafael woke up to find themselves chained to trees in the woods they were staying in. Rafael groaned, trying to use his werewolf strength the get out of the chains. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Raf?" Landon called out, gaining the boy's attention immediately.

"Lan," Rafael responded as he took yet another deep breath, "You okay?"

"I don't think either of us are." Landon told him.

"Better off than him," Rafael commented, gesturing to the man that had given them the hundred dollar bill earlier, who was now dead, leaned against a nearby tree with an arrow to the heart.

Rafael suddenly heard footsteps, causing him to turn his head to see two people walking toward them wearing hoods. One was a man and the other was a woman. Seeing them approach them, Rafael immediately tried to tug at his chains, "Hey, hey, hey. Relax. Both of you." Ophelia warned the two boys, both of which immediately recognized her voice.

"We're not here to hurt you," Jeremy added in as he took off his hood, Ophelia following soon after.

Rafael's eyes widened when he saw the familiar woman who happened to be Valerie's adoptive mom, "Ophelia?" He frowned in confusion.

Ophelia smiled slightly, "In the flesh."

Landon turned to Jeremy, "Who are you?" he asked, already knowing who Ophelia was.

"Your new best friend," Jeremy replied, glancing over at Rafael, whose eyes were locked on Ophelia and no one else.


After having Josie siphon off the containment spell around the school, she, Hope, and Valerie entered the school, only to find it empty, "Lizzie?" Josie called out for her twin sister.

"Val and I will check the library," Hope told Josie and as she went to go pull Valerie along with her, Valerie stopped.

"Be careful," Valerie warned Josie and she nodded in response before Valerie walked off with Hope.

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