My Instincts 2

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It has been few months since Jungkook left his comfy home. White snowy winter has came upon the dangerous forest. The rabbit had thanked Yoongi happily and the lynx had promised to give him a place to sleep anytime when Jungkook needs it but the rabbit never went back after that one night. He couldn't stay at the same place always because otherwise he would never find his best friend.

Jungkook has been through a lot. Himself didn't even know why he was still alive and breathing. The rabbit had almost died many times. Wolves and foxes were hungry animals especially in winter.

The rabbit stared at his arm where a fox, that looked like Taehyung, had bitten a couple weeks ago. The bite was healing but it still hurt Jungkook a lot. It stung everyday and the rabbit didn't have anything to use to bandage it. He only used a cloth of his ripped summer clothes.

"I can't take this anymore..." Jungkook sighed sadly and laid in a little den that the rabbit had build himself at the beginning of November. Jungkook has searched Taehyung for a really long time and he almost didn't make any progress at all. The rabbit had only found couple hints and they were only the fox's fur.

Jungkook stared outside, where the ground was covered with white snow, with his dull and tired eyes. A cold wind blew slightly inside the den, making the small rabbit shiver.

Jungkook had been stupid when he left his home. He didn't think that it would actually take such a long time to find his best friend so Jungkook didn't bring any decent winter clothes with him. Yeah, he could go back to Yoongi but the small rabbit wasn't exactly safe with the lynx either. Yoongi was a predator after all.

Jungkook hugged himself and whimpered slightly when his wound on his arm started aching again. He felt mentally and physically tired. The rabbit had been constantly awake because there were predators all around the forest. He couldn't sleep well at night because he was always feeling cautious and scared.

The rabbit felt misery and dread. He just wanted someone to wrap strong arms around him and protect him from all the danger around him. Small tears started rolling down from the little rabbit's doe eyes and he trembled as he started crying quietly.

"I want to go back home..." Jungkook whimpered painfully and buried his face into the soft ground underneath him. His big ears covered his face protectively from the cold breeze. Jungkook had been so focused on searching his best friend that he had completely forgotten his real home. Just now he remembered his safe home and friends and felt so much homesickness.

This dangerous forest was way too much for the little rabbit to take and soon he wouldn't be able to take it anymore. Jungkook might have to go home empty handed with depression and sadness.

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