God I Have Sinned

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A little bit of smut, some violence



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They pushed me harsher when I walked too slow. They pulled the chains that were around my body when I seemed to drift out of my road. My head was casted downwards for the whole ten minutes of walking even though the ugly noises seemed to grow louder and more menacing.

When I finally couldn't ignore those noises anymore I lifted my head, my big eyes scanning my surroundings but that was a huge mistake for I crunched my nose in disgust when I saw things I've only seen in books.

Hell's creatures are the most ugly monsters ever created by God. They don't have a single drop of humanity left inside them and their soul has drowned in pure evil and darkness.

God banished them from heaven and put them here to rot for an eternity. In their journey to hell, their souls were twisted and broken, their features were burned and remade until there was only an ugly soulless creature left. The punishment of the god.

Hell's creatures growled and roared when they saw me walk by and I threw them a fierce glare. I was bright and pure but that didn't mean I can't fight back. This place is far from my dear home. No one asked my consistent when I was harshly beaten until my tan skin bled blood and taken here.

One of the guards looked around at the creatures around us and smirked like a proud hunter that finally caught a prey that is worthy to be given to Satan. He grabbed me by my neck harshly, digging his black nails in my throat which and looked at my feathery white wings. I could see hunger in his eyes when he admired my features and stared at my bright halo that was starting to lose its light in this shithole.

Let go of me you ugly creature!

The guard grabbed one of my feathery white wings and pulled on it really hard which made me scream from pain and tears run down my bruised cheek. All the monsters and demons cheered and growled in victory when they saw me suffer in front of their eyes. They had taken the God's most precious and purest angel in their dirty claws.

The other guard pushed me again and I stumbled a little before I continued walking on the road to the huge castle in the distance. The road was long and the ground underneath my bare feet burned against my skin like hot fire. Every single step took made me feel more pain and I tried hard to keep my painful cries inside me.

God please save me from this place..

I almost couldn't take it anymore when my feet touched cool floor that finally eased my pain. I almost let out a sigh of relief but realizing where I am I kept my mouth shut. I looked up and noticed I was in the castle's throne room. The fire and lava illuminated the room with red and orange light.

Suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me and I turned my head towards the big throne and what I saw made me feel something I've never felt before. I saw a raven haired Male with two proud and tall horns standing on his head and a scaly tail resting on the armrest comfortably, its tip swinging lazily back and forth. My big pure eyes looked into those dark intimating ones that held an emotion that was similar to hunger but still a little different.

"Bring him to me" the devil sitting on the throne said and the guard pushed me forward harshly. I stumbled the small stairs and the devil kept his eyes on me in wonder as he rested his chin against his hand. Soon I was standing in front of him. I felt the scaly tail move closer and touch my feet softly. I almost gasped when I felt ho cold it was.

"Come closer young angel. Kneel in front of your kind" His deep misty voice rumbled from his throat and I don't know why but I felt the need to obey him. I stepped closer still staring into his dark eyes and kneeled in front of him slowly and unsure. I gulped when I saw his features closer and I must admit he is too handsome to be a hell's creature. The monsters outside are nothing compered to the devil in front of me. He is really...sexy.

The devil smiled his sharp fangs coming out of his mouth and he brought his hand closer to my face. I flinched when I felt his cold hand caressing my bruised cheek like a treasure. I feel my eyes flutter close as I leaned against his comforting touch slightly. Hell was too hot for my liking but the devil's cold touch felt heavenly.

"The bruises must hurt angel..." the devil muttered and ran his hand through my blond hair gently, massaging my scalp with his cold hand and I gasped softly. His scaly tail wrapped around me and caressed my back soothingly while pulling me closer.

"You don't need to be afraid of me.. I'll treat you like a treasure" the devil mumbled and I felt less nervous than before. I went closer until our knees were rubbing against each other and I felt my breath slowly turn ragged when he rubbed his knees against mine.

What is this feeling? He is making me feel weird..

At some point the devil's tail went a little too down and I let out a small whimper when it slid between my butt cheeks gently like it had a mind of it's own. The devil smirked while licking his lips and rubbed the tip of his tail against a very sensitive spot between my globes.

My legs trembled as they wanted went shut and I was having a hard time to breath normally when his tail pressed harder against my sensitive spot and. The devil noticed it and held my hand while he continued to move his tail up and down. I looked up at him and something an my expression must have exited him even more when his eyes glowed for a second.

"Come here. Sit on my lap little angel" the devil said and I stood up weakly. I sat down on his lap and let out a small moan when he ran his hand over my white wings gently. The devil was pleased with my reaction and brought me closer by my waist.

"Such a beautiful creature...I haven't seen angels like you for ages. So pure..." the devil mumbled and traced my body shape with his hand until they were wrapped around my neck. I let out a small cute noise when his thumb rubbed my Adam's apple up and down.

"Too bad I'll have to ruin it to make you mine" The devil said huskily and leaned closer. I closed my eyes and soon felt cold lips press against mine. They moving against mine slowly and devoured my lips completely, claiming my lips as his property. The devil bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth with a sweet moan.

Something wet and slithery went inside my mouth and rubbed against my tongue eagerly. I let out a whimper when I felt the devil grind his clothed member against mine and the weird but enjoyable feeling grew inside me.

"What's y-your name?" I asked the devil, out of breath after our heavy make out. He smirked and leaned his face in my neck to inhale my sweet scent. I whimpered when he started kissing and sucking on it, marking it as his territory.

"Jungkook" He said at the same time as I felt his hand move down to my butt. He groped it harshly and I trembled from all these new feelings I've never felt before. The thing between my legs started twitching and something inside me wanted Jungkook to desperately touch and caress it like a toy meant to be his. 

"But I prefer you calling me Satan, my precious princess" He let out a deep pleased grow from his throat when I moaned his name. We continued to pleasure each other.

"S-Satan~" I whined and soon after I said that word, I noticed that my wings were starting to turn black and my halo was slowly disappearing.

God I have sinned but if sinning feels this good, I'd rather fall for the dark side and keep sinning than be the pure light above the beautiful clouds.


A/N: I got inspired but don't remember what gave me inspiration heh

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