Another planet

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Warnings: Alien taekook, violence, mature content, ass eating, knotting.


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Somewhere far away from our galaxy was an another planet that lived in peace. It had it's own atmosphere and a species like humans that dominated the planet. Their bodies were a little similar to humankind but still quite different.

It was mating season and Jungkook puffed out his furry chest, standing proudly at the entrance of his nest that he made himself and began making mating calls that were a little small compared to other males in the forest. Jungkook was a first timer at this kind of a thing since he just became an adult. He was young and inexperienced but still had hope though since he saw several fluffy females pass by. But then that hope started slowly drying when he noticed that something wasn't right.

Something was definitely wrong with his nest. Females gave him small glances but never bothered to check out his nest that he had been making for a long time. Jungkook frowned when one female gave him a disapproving look and walked away towards another male in the distance.

Jungkook looked back at his nest with a small frown and sniffed it, analyzed it, fixed it but still couldn't see what's wrong with it. Too many flowers or perhaps he didn't have enough of them. Maybe his den wasn't symmetrical and was too small. Jungkook's ears twitched in irritation and he let out an annoyed growl, stomping his claw on the ground. He'll have to check out other males' nests and maybe copy them a little. Then he could get some females.

The only problem is that some other male might steal his nest while he is gone and Jungkook would have to put up a real fight to clam his nest back. Jungkook stood up on his fours and walked away from his nest while he sniffed the air. It was filled with sweet scents of females but he wasn't searching for them right now.

While Jungkook was away a small male emerged from the bush and his eyes twinkled in interest when he noticed a den that seemed to be quite empty. His ears twitched towards the nest when he tried to pick up any sound from inside but there wasn't anyone. Or there was but they were being extremely quiet.

Taehyung inspected the nest in interest and let out small noises of curiosity as he neared it with slow careful steps. He felt a little afraid since he couldn't really fight against other males. Taehyung is awfully small for a male and part of fur isn't shedding like normally when it's mating season.

The creatures on this planet all have a lot of fur on their body since winter is really cold but when it's summer and mating season males' fur partly sheds and exposes their body a little bit so their muscles can be shown and females can be swooned by them. The ones with a stronger and larger body get more females and when they find the right one they might stay together for even ten years.

Taehyung is different. His fur doesn't shed well and he is a coward so whenever he tries to claim a nest some other male comes and scares him away with loud growls. Taehyung also isn't that interested in finding a female to mate with but his parents always thought him to continue their family and get offsprings.

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