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"Nathan what are you doing? She needs you, if you're not doing this for me at least do it for her. Shes only-" i just slammed my door shut. If he wants to leave let him, life will be better anyways not like anythings gonna change. I plop down on my bed as i close my eyes not wanting the tears to fall. "why doesn't he want me?"..

August 17, 2018
"Ms. Goulbourne? Ms. Goulbourne wake up class is dismissed" my teacher repeatedly yells into my ear as i just wipe my eyes and exit the class. I was dreaming about the incident that happened almost 10 years ago. i plug my headphones in walking through the halls toward my locker. I try my best to avoid her, who? Jasmine the most "popular" girl in school who happens to be dating my crush but the worst just had to happen, she "accidentally" bumped my arm . "look, watch where you're going. You don't wanna end up missing like your daddy" she sneered. "s-sorry" was all i could say as i just continued walking.

I repeatedly tapped my pen waiting for the bell to ring dreading this day to end. As the teacher dismissed us i hurriedly put my things in my locker only for it to be shut by the boy himself. Ayleo Bowles.

"hey" he said awkwardly, i just raised my eyebrow waiting for him to continue "I'm sorry for what Jas said to you earlier, it was way out of line and you didn't deserve it." i couldn't find any words as all i could do was look at him. "I know we've never talked before but I want to get to know you...can I take you out today? if you're not busy that is" I gave him a small smile as I got one in return "S-sure but I have to c-check with my mom first" I stated as I held my hand out as he just looked at me weirdly. "Your phone boy" I said as we both shared a laugh. He handed me his phone as I saved my number as "Nyasia" I gave him a small smile as I walked over to my car "See ya later" is what I heard in the distance, I smiled hard as ever starting my car up making my way home.

"Hey baby, how was school?" I heard my mom as soon as I walked through the door "It was okay, my friend asked to take me out somewhere is it cool if I go?" I got a yes in return and headed upstairs starting on my homework.


can I get the addy?

cAn I gEt ThE aDdY? headass


🤣🤣I'm being serious girl

me too boy...637 Sherwood rd

now was that so hard? I'm omw girl
Read 5:47

I grabbed my forces and made my way outside "Bye mama" I shouted as I rushed out the door seeing a bmw pull up. I made my way inside and slammed the car door "you tryna break my whip?" I just laughed and buckled my seat belt as he pulled off.
We pulled up at a restaurant "you know you didn't have to take me here, way to fancy for a first date" I told him while unbuckling my seat belt "so you do consider this a date?" He says wiggling his brows "well like friendly, ugh you know what I mean"

We head inside and there's a very pale guy that looks around 40 that leads us to a table "this place is so expensive, I'd prefer Burger King and us watching Netflix" he just laughs as I pouted "I brought you here so ima pay" I just nodded trying to hide the smile that crept on my face.

The waiter came as we ordered now waiting for our food. "So where you from" he questions, "Philadelphia, what about you?" I gave him a small smile "Michigan" he stared bluntly "I see you miss that place huh?" He just looked at me smiling "you could say that"

"so what's the deal with your dad? What happened?" the smile that was once plastered over my face faded into a frown "we don't have to talk about it y'kno I was just curious" he states "umm... my dad didn't like me as much. He wanted a boy & my mom refused to try for another child so there was just me he'd tell me stuff and wait for me to mess up just to get an easy way out and about 10 years ago I dropped his moms ashes.. he told my mom he couldn't be here & left, he didn't say anything to me when he left just left" I spoke the last part softly as I feel him wipe my face "my apologies I didn't realize I was crying" I let out a soft chuckle "I'm sorry for what happened, he missed out on an amazing person" we shared a smile as our plates were sitting before us and we started eating

"you're extra proper too" we both laughed "you're extra stupid too" he clutched his chest pretending to be hurt as I kept laughing.

We just talked for another hour, played 21 questions and enjoyed the rest of the night. We headed outside and noticed it raining hard as ever "cmon we have to quickly get you home" we ran to the car to avoid getting soaked. Our phone started vibrating getting an amber alert "look my house is only a few blocks away we can wait it out there" I just modded & texted my mom what we were doing

We quickly ran into his house as he told me to be quiet his dad & brother is upstairs. He led me upstairs and I admired his house. It looked like it cost a fortune. He led me to his room as we both took our shoes off. "Your house is beautiful" "thank you my mom did most of the decorating" I admired all the expensive things and shoe then quickly frowned. It's always been easy comparing myself to other people. They have nice things, I don't. "You want a new shirt?" I nodded my head as he threw one towards me

I laid down awkwardly on his bed hearing a light chuckle "you're cute when you're shy" he said laying down next to me. We just talked for a while and me jumping numerous times due to the storm "why haven't you talked to me before? Why is this different?" I asked as he let out a sigh "jas didn't like you, if she don't like someone I can't like someone. That's the reason we broke up now" I widen my eyes hearing that from him "why'd you guys break up?" I questioned him with my full attention towards him "I tried talking to you earlier & she didn't like it which created an argument & me breaking up with her" I just nodded processing what he said "so umm, it seems as if the storm isn't ending soon so you should talk to your mom & ask to spend the night. I'll bring you back tomorrow morning" I nodded doing just what he said.

I laid down beside him closing my eyes feeling him wrap his arms beside me "Goodnight ny" I cheesed hard before returning a goodnight back.

First chapter, lame ash ik😩

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