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I woke up feeling Nyasia's small figure in my arms. I shook her lightly trying to get her up. "Please, I don't wanna wake up yet" she said whispering the last few words. I just laid back down letting my eyes close and me going back to sleep.

"Ayleo? Ayleo!?" I quickly shot out of bed hearing her laugh from the other side of the room "why'd you let me sleep so long boy we got school" I mentally rolled my eyes throwing on a shirt "can I borrow a shirt for today? We won't have time to go to my house" she gave me the most goofiest smile ever. "Just grab one out my closet" I just watched her.

"She's so perfect, her eyes the best shade of brown. Her voice being as soft as ever. I regret jasmine, I should've talked to her before making the biggest mistake of my life" I groaned louder than expected. "Thank you, glad to be of service" she said cheesing at me, I just raised my brow confused of what she meant. "never mind boy, let's go"

We pull up at the school walking through the halls getting stares and hearing whispers left and right "I'll see you in 4th period ny" I told her kissing her cheek catching that smile on her face.

"So you hitting that now?" Naquan, my brother, not blood but just real close friend. "Nah, I wish. She's not like that, sheen giving up nothing that easily" I smiled, even hearing her name gets me crazy "hope the shit works out, we don't need another Jasmine" we both laugh, she was pretty ...aggressive at times "don't even remind me" we continued walking until we reached 1st period "you still coming over tonight? My moms making "the dip" for us" he ask smiling a bit "I forgot, I was going over ny's house, I don't think I can make it maybe next Friday?" I told him slowly fading into the class room sitting in my seat.

"S-so you move o-on that quick?" Jasmine said standing right in front of my desk with glossy eyes. "I don't have time for this jas" she just wiped the stray tears before walking away. "You got bitches stuck mane" Daniel said to me as I just laid my head on my desk.


"So what all he said? Did you see his brother? Did you mention me? Please tell me you mentioned me!" Myannie yelled bombarding me with questions. "Mymy I was only around Leo, I didn't even meet Mateo" I shit her down because I could not bare hearing her scold me for not mentioning her name "Well next time when you do see him, tell him I said hey..PLEEEEAAASSSEEE" I just covered my ears nodding as the bell rung.

"So is he sitting at lunch with us?" Myannie questioned me "I doubt it, he usually sits with his friends" I sighed placing my tray on the table. "You shouldn't doubt your mans" she said laughing lightly "what's you tal-" I was cut off by Ayleo slamming his tray down and saying his words fast as ever "Leo slow down I don't know what you're saying" I said laughing a bit at the end. He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow & a smirk "My names Leo now? I'm so used to my nickname being ayo, Leo sounds good when you say it" he said, I could hear the smirk on his voice "you make the most of everything boy I tell yaahh" I said as we all laughed

-In the school parking lot

"So what time should I come over?" He said giving me that smirk of his "how about, never" I said cheesing "So 7 it is then" he said smiling as I hopped in my car "see ya later bubba" I told his smiling and getting one in return.

I got home and didn't see my mom, she was probably out with "Jason". I went into my closet grabbing what I'm gonna wear tonight and placed it in my bathroom while changing into comfortable clothes and lying down. I have 4 hours to waste anyways.

Stick to the script|| Ayleo Bowles {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now