Round 3: Ailienas

17 0 0

Ailienas's turn to deal. Order is Ailienas -> Aelis -> Ava -> Feloriel -> Nowhere -> Allanya.

Clothes status:

Nowhere: shawl, boots, dress, shirt, socks, leggings, banding, underwear

Allanya: belt, boots, bracers, tunic, shirt, pants, stockings, banding, underwear

Ailienas: (shirt), belt, thighband, bracers, boots, pants, socks, banding, underwear

Aelis: (cloak), boots, belt, armor, shirt, pants, banding, underwear

Ava: headdress, belt, sandals, wrap, dress, banding, underwear

Feloriel: robe, diadem, shoes, (earrings), dress, slip, tights, underwear


Ailienas slapped down cards enthusiastically. The others made very sure their hands were out of her way, and she even managed to get the usually-unflappable Feloriel to flinch. Finally, she looked at hers. 10H, KH, JH, JC, 7H

Aelis scowled at her cards for a moment, then requested three new ones. She seemed pleased with her final hand, though. Ava only wanted one new card, which she seemed indifferent to. Feloriel requested four, poker face impeccable. Nowhere also asked for four, looking more and more irritated until the last one, which visibly relaxed her. Allanya switched three. Her first two cards didn't get much of a reaction out of her, but she smiled at the last one.

Finally, Ailienas looked at her own hand. Let's see. I could do the obvious pair thing, or I could go for the flush...hmm, if I go for the flush I'm guaranteed king high jack kicker, if I go for the pair I'm guaranteed pair of jacks, but...fuck it. Let's play on the wild side. She discarded the jack of clubs with a bit of a flourish. ...Four of clubs. Not even a pair.

"Let's see the cards," she sighed.

Aelis has: AD, KC, 9H, AS, JH

Ava has: QC, 8H, QC, 8S, AD

Feloriel has: AH, JH, JH, 7S, 2S

Nowhere has: AD, 7D, 3D, JC, AC

Allanya has: 8S, 8D, 7C, 3H, 8D

You have: 10H, KH, JH, 4C, 7H

"You know what?" she asked. "Let's get some excitement in. This game's no fun if we aren't a little daring." With that, she whipped off her shirt.

Ava stared. Allanya blushed. Aelis's jaw dropped. Nowhere giggled. Feloriel matter-of-factly looked away.

Ailienas just handed the deck over to Ava.

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