Cooking, Cleaning, And Organizing (part 4)

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~Readers POV~

Dipper sighs as he sat up on the couch, currently thinking about the past and all the things that went wrong or right. With a quiet mutter about not wanting to get up, he stood up and went into the kitchen while quietly remembering something from the past, which he was remembering the time when during a walk he found a puppy in an alleyway with Mabel. 

Dipper slightly frowns as he thinks about how excited they had been to take care of the creature that had gone through so much clear suffering, only to have their uncle kill it right in front of them, which scarred them both for life. "I wonder if Mabel remembers that....." he sighs as he leaned against the counter, now trying to remember why he came in here in the first place, staring down for a moment before looking up and seeing Will standing in the doorway and raises an eyebrow at the other.

Will shifts over to him and whispers quietly "m-m-master? I-I-I...u-u-umm..." he almost broke down crying as he was speaking which made Dipper sigh heavily and pull the smaller male into a hug and rub his back. "you're hungry?"  Dipper asked that with a raised eyebrow, only to get a small nod from the shorter male who seemed to always be an anxious mess no matter what the situation may be.

The taller male sighs and looks at the time and decided now would most likely be a good time to start making dinner anyways, being it was 5:30 pm and he usually would have dinner started exactly at 5, so dinner would be a bit late that night but that didn't really matter to him as long as he was able to get dinner done. 

Dipper looks at will and mutters to him "I'll start dinner now, but you'll be helping me with it since Mabel is asleep in her room right now." he stated blankly before letting the shorter male go and going over to the fridge and pulling out 3 small packs, each pack holding 3 VERY large steaks. He put the 3 packs on the counter, glad that he had decided to clean it up an hour ago as well as clean any dishes that were in the sink.

Dipper went back to the fridge and got out onions, carrots, celery, and potatoes that he had happened to have peeled the night before, and left in a bowl of water to wash. He put all the ingredients on the counter one at a time with the exception of putting the bowl in the sink.

He went to a drawer and pulled out a knife and peeler, putting them next to the ingredients on the counter. He pulled out the cellary, carrots, and onions, putting each thing on a separate plate in front of him, having a cutting board to cut each thing on.

He put the celery onto the cutting board and picked the knife up then cut the ends with the leaves off before starting to cut each into smaller pieces, doing the same thing for the carrots and the onions, peeling the skin off of the unions before cutting them of course. 

While dipper was doing this, Will had set the crockpot up, making the broth now, being he already cut the steak into cubes. Will finished making the broth by the time the other had finished cutting up the potatoes into cubes.

Once Dinner was done with cutting the potatoes,  he put it all into the broth in the crockpot that had come to a boil, put the lid on it, and set the crockpot on the highest setting so it cooked faster.  

After that was done he started cleaning the plates, knives, and anything else they used, putting them away after drying them off.

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