{5} Dr. Emile Picani

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Last one for today I swear-

• he's around 4'9 because he's a short boyo.
• he has light purple hair, with pink streaks through it.
• he often changes his tie color and has many ties in his closet.
•he's a big bottom.
• he always enjoys helping others, and always puts others needs in front of his own.
• lets just say that his most definite parent is Patton.
• he has pale hazel eyes.
• he can be nervous around certain things.
• he's probably the youngest.
• if he was in a relationship, he would always make sure they were okay.
• he has some makeup in his room and sometimes wear it out.
• he loves to learn new things, especially anything involving his job.
• he loves everyone around him and can be oblivious to the bad things the world has (such as mean and creepy people)
• if anyone yells at him, he would instantly cry and think it was his fault.

Bye bye now-

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