Chapter 7

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As Percy walked back towards his cabin after lunch, he saw something that stopped him. His secret boyfriend, Jason Grace, and Nico diAngelo seemed to be having a funny conversation in front of the Hades cabin -- Nico's cabin.

The smiling and laughing seemed so out of character for Nico that Percy just HAD to check it out.

Percy made his way over without being noticed and stood behind the cabin. He was just close enough to see and hear the two boys. Perfect.

The first thing he saw was Jason smile and say, "Gods, Nico, you're SO in love with him. Just admit it already."

Nico blushed. "Jason, he's my BOYFRIEND. How could I not love him?"

Wait. Nico has a boyfriend?

Jason laughed. "You two are cute together, you know that? Well, not as freakin' awesome as me and Percy, but still."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Leo and I have big plans. Anyway, I still can't believe you came out to Percy. That takes guts, man."

Jason shrugged. "I dunno, I just saw how happy you and Leo were, and I thought, 'I could be like that.' So I only did it 'cuz of you guys."

"We should have a double date sometime," Nico said.

"We should think of couple nicknames, too," Jason suggested.

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm... What about 'Ghostfire' for me and Leo? Yeah, I like that!"

Jason smirked. "And me and Percy could be, like, 'Hurricane' or something."

Nico chuckled. "Nice."

Percy knew he had been missing something. Jason was talking to Nico and Leo a lot more than usual, that was, when they spent the night actually AT camp. Percy couldn't believe he hadn't noticed that the two were almost never around anymore...

His question was answered when Jason asked, "So, how's the apartment? You guys getting that new one you're always saying you're gonna get?"

Nico shook his head. "We don't have enough money for a new place... Yet. Leo got a raise a little while back, though."

Jason nodded. "I heard. How about that Chloe girl? What's the status on her? Leo's always saying he's got a new friend named Chloe."

"Yeah, she's really nice," Nico replied. "Leo met her at a Starbucks. And, my gods, if I were straight, she'd be the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Is she a demigod?"

"Yeah, Hermes. But she could pass as a daughter of Aphrodite. Or Aphrodite herself."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? I've gotta meet her."

Nico shrugged. "Maybe." He looked up at the hot summer sun. "But right now, I hafta take a shower. See you later, Jason."

Oh, Percy thought.

* * *

Back in his cabin, Nico turned the shower on and let the warm water run on his body. He couldn't help but think of Leo, even though the two of them had never done anything even remotely dirty. Still, he imagined Leo's warm nakedness beside him, hoping that it would actually be there someday...

Just then, Nico heard the door to his cabin open. He glanced out of the shower to make sure the door to the bathroom was locked -- of course it wasn't. Well, too late now.

"Neeks?" A familiar voice said. Nico's heart skipped a beat. Leo.

The door shut and footsteps rang out through the cabin. "Hey, Nico?" Leo called again.

"I'm taking a shower, Leo! Don't come in here!" Nico shouted, rubbing shampoo in his hair and trying to ignore his growing erection.

Then the bathroom door creaked open slowly. "A shower, huh? That reminds me, I haven't had a shower in at least a few days. I should take one soon..."

"Leo, don't you dare," Nico growled, though he would've been lying if he said he wasn't turned on by Leo's comment.

Leo stepped closer and poked at the grey shower curtains. "I really should take a shower as soon as possible. Hey, how about I just hop in there with you?"

Yes, Nico thought. "No," Nico said.

Leo chuckled. "Awww, c'mon, Neeks! I know we're both thinking the same thing, so just let me come in."

Before Nico could say anything else, he heard the sound of a door locking and clothes hitting the floor. Then, the curtain was pulled open just enough for a certain naked curly-haired Latino to step in.

Nico caught his breath. Leo was behind him, and Nico had not seen him yet. But Leo had seen him.

"L-Leo," Nico stuttered nervously, "g-get out of m-my sh-shower."

Instead, Leo put his strong hands on Nico's shoulders and turned him around. Nico kept his eyes squeezed shut, but they snapped open when Leo kissed him.

Nico's mind could barely take in what he was seeing: Leo's wet hair was stuck to his face, but he didn't seem to care. He wasn't as muscular as Percy or Jason, but his abs were still defined enough to be the hottest thing Nico had ever seen. He tried to force himself not to look any lower, but he could feel Leo's eyes on him, so he decided it was only fair.

Nico's eyes got impossibly wide. The sight was so indescribable and breathtaking that Nico had to break the kiss to remember how to breath.

Leo laughed softly as Nico leaned against the wall of the shower, panting. The water was still running but neither of them seemed to care.

"You okay?" Leo asked.

Nico nodded. "Yeah, it's just... I wasn't expecting it to be so..."

Leo grinned. "Damn sexy?"

Nico managed to roll his eyes. " Not exactly the words I would've used, but sure, it's damn sexy."

Leo pulled Nico closer, and before either of them had time to rethink what what about to happen, things got even damn sexier.

* * *

"C'mon, Chloe, you have to come!" Leo begged later that day. Chloe sighed and looked out the window if Leo and Nico's tiny apartment. Nico was at camp having dinner, but Leo had decided to skip it. He was trying to convince Chloe to give Camp Half Blood a try.

"Okay, Leo, I will spend ONE DAY at that camp. If I don't like it, I'll come here and I won't go back. I've already told you --"

Leo cut her off. "Yeah, yeah, I know, you're a 'Free Spirit'. I get it. But you'll like it there, you'll see."

The 'Free Spirit' issue had come up on the roof of Chloe's apartment building a few days ago. After Nico revealed himself, Leo almost jumped out if his skin and Chloe backed up and almost fell off the roof. Nico had explained why he had followed Leo there, and Chloe had apologized for making him suspicious. Nico had laughed and said, "Chloe, you should go to Camp Half Blood. That way, I can keep an eye on you." Chloe had told him that she was never going to go to 'That Camp' because there would be rules and she was a 'Free Spirit'. Then Leo had kissed Nico on his forehead on said he was sorry, and the three had a good laugh before saying their goodbyes and going their separate ways.

"C'mon, then," Chloe said, holding out her hand for Leo to take. "We might as well go there now. We'll run there -- super speed, remember?"

Leo grinned. "Oh, I remember." He took Chloe's hand.

Chloe began to run, faster than anything Leo had ever seen. The wind blew strongly in his face, but Chloe didn't seem to mind. Eventually, the pressure got overwhelming, and Leo blacked out.

* * *

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