No more humanity

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Nathan's p.o.v
Kat sped off out of the house leaving us all gobsmacked.

" nice one Nath." Max yelled.
" what did I do?" I asked.
" you called Kat everything under the sun earlier, and when we came home she went upstairs too sort stuff out and then see you fucking this bitch, your the reason she's turned her humanity off. She could be out there right now killing everyone and anyone with out a care in the world." Max yelled.

I looked down at the floor. He's right I lost control of my anger and took it out on my mum and girlfriend. I also cheated on my girlfriend with my ex. I was the cause of this and I need too fix it.

" we need too go find her." I stated.
But Elena and the girls shook there heads. " there's no point you won't be able too find her, you don't know was the real Katerina Petrova is like when she's angry especially now that she's turned her humanity off. She was angry when she killed the Skye's family back in 1447 we don't know what she's capable of when she's like this. We need too figure out a plan to get her humanity too switch back on."  Elena said.

We nodded and got straight too work , we had a couple of ideas but we needed more just in case they didn't work. Finally we had enough ideas too try and turn her humanity back on.

It was now late and we were all waiting for Kat too come home. I sent my mum and sister away too stay in a hotel where Siva and jay are staying just until it's safe too come home.

It just turned midnight, when we heard a huge gush of wind which meant Kat was back, inside the house. We all looked around too see where she was, that's when I felt a sharp pain in my right side. I groaned out in pain and dropped too the floor. I noticed Kat walking around me laughing. I pulled out the object Kat stabbed me with and waited for myself to heal.

" So you guys waited up how sweet." She smirked.
" Kat what are you doing?" Caroline asked.
" I'm sick and tired of getting hurt by this boy, I loved him I really did but he cheated on me, called me all the names under the sun just because I found out his father wasn't his real father before him and the fact he wanted me dead." She spat.

" Listen Kat, Nathan made a mistake he loves you we can all see it but he was out of control he needs to learn how to control himself" Max said.

" Okay so let's get this straight Nathan cheated on me because he couldn't control himself. So when you and Tom first turned you didn't cheat on Lexi or Elena did you?" She smirked.

They shook there heads, " precisely, I'm sick and tired of getting hurt all the time, so don't try and change my mind about turning my humanity back on." She said.

I was now fully healed and I stood up, " Kat please believe me I love you so much I really do, is there anyway I can prove this too you?" I asked.

She looked at me and stormed over, she grabbed my throat and lifted me up.

" No Nathan there is no way too show that you love me, if you loved me you wouldn't have gone and had sex with a slut who doesn't learn how to shut up." She yelled.

" Kat I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing I really do love you there's got too be a way I can prove it." I said struggling too breath.

She looked at me, and a big smirk plastered on his face, she threw me into the fire place. Glass and wood went everywhere. And it hurt like a bitch!

"KAT." I yelled.

She looked at me and walked over, this was part of the distraction, so Max and Tom could inject her with vervain.

" Nath I." But she couldn't finish her sentence because she soon fell weak and on to the floor.

Max and Tom put her in a chair by the window and tied her up, Elena removed her daylight ring and we all sat down watching her.

" Why won't you just believe Nathan Kat." Bonnie asked.

" Because he cheated on me, why would I believe someone who'd hurt me so bad." She breathed.

" Wrong answer" Lexi said.

Lexi and Caroline opened up the curtains as the daylight hit Kats skin she burned which made her yell out in pain. Lexi and Caroline quickly closed the curtains again.

" Do you love me?" I asked.

" No I never did, but perhaps I might give me and Klaus another go, and have a good fuck like old times." She laughed but still weak.

Lexi and Caroline opened the curtains again and burned Kat. But soon closed them so she wouldn't turn too ash.

" Kat, we will kill you if you don't turn your humanity back on." Elena stated.

" I've got nothing else too say, nothing will prove too me that Nathan loves me." She smirked, she sped over too the curtains and opened them up making herself burn. I sped over and pushed her out the way.

" See, that just proves that none of you would let me die." She smiled.

We all groaned in frustration, " There has too be a way." I yelled.

" Actually there is." Someone said. We all turned around and there stood a girl.

"Oh my god Hayley." Elena said.

" there is a way for you too show that you love her and too show that she loves you." She said as she walked into the living room.

" How?" I asked.

" If you kiss her, true love from both parts will switch her humanity back on." She said.

" So if I kiss her, and it shows we both love eachother it will fight Kats humanity back?" I asked.

She nodded, I breathed and walked over too Kat who was still on the floor. I leant over too her and grabbed her cheek. She looked at me in disgust.

" Go away." She screamed.

I leant down and pressed my lips against hers, I felt the sparks fly like they did when I first met her.

She didn't kiss me back for a while, till her lips moved in sync with mine. Her arms wrapped around my neck.

We pulled apart and I could see that Kat was back. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

" I'm so sorry." She whimpered.
" hey baby it's fine I should be apologising, I had a go at you for no reason and I cheated on you." I sighed.
" we need too work on your control next." She smiled.
I laughed and kissed her lips again.
" I love you Katerina Petrova." I said.
" And I love You Nathan Sykes. She smiled.

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