Changes and parties

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Katherine's p.o.v
I ran back too the house with Kol hot on my tail. I can't believe I transformed fully into a wolf. It felt so different but the strength I had was indescribable.

I arrived back too the house and quickly changed back into human form, just as Kol sped through the door.

"What the hell Kat." He yelled.

"What?" I asked grabbing a blanket from the sofa and wrapping it around my naked body.

"Your a werewolf?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, no I'm just naturally hairy and have a fucking tail.

" No shit." I said walking into the kitchen grabbing a bloodbag from the fridge.

"But your an alpha." He said.

"I know I'm an alpha and I know I'm a wolf you don't need too keep asking questions which you already know the answers too." I yelled.

"Okay jeez." He said holding his hands up in defence.

I took sips from my blood bag, when Klaus and Rebekah came into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, knowing I was going too have another lecture.

"What ever you have too say don't. I know I'm a wolf, yes I'm an alpha. And yes I know I could've been scene but I had no control okay, I'm going in the shower." I said and stormed past them.

Who are they too judge me, they've done worse things. I didn't even kill anybody. Well except the 200 people I've drained in the last year and half and a girl tonight but other than that I'm completely harmless.

I reached my bedroom, and ran the hot water from the shower.

" Klaus she's dangerous, she's worse than us we can't have her killing anymore." Rebekah said.

"I know but what can I do?"He said.

I can't believe them, talking about me behind my back. Anger built up inside me, and there I was screaming at the top of my lungs with all the anger and hatred built inside of me.

I soon stopped, I looked around too see I smashed a few things but I didn't care. Why did my life turn out too be so complicated. I walked into the shower and quickly washed my hair and body and wrapped myself in a warm towel.

I brushed my teeth getting rid of any blood and shit from tonight and headed straight into bed. I didn't feel tried but I needed too relax and keep myself calm. I logged into my Twitter too see that Elena and Tom posted a few minutes ago.

@elenagilbert clubbing tonight with my girls and the boys. #alcoholics.

@tomparker off out with the gang for a few, let's get my dancing shoes on.

I rolled my eyes but let out a little snigger, they are so pathetic. Clubbing? Seriously? I put my phone on charge and snuggled into my blanket. My eyes soon drifted and i was fast asleep.

Nathan's p.o.v
I woke up and noticed I was back home. What the hell happened after klaus left?

I sat up and noticed I was in my bedroom. I got up out of bed but dizziness overcame me. I gripped my head trying too find my balance.

I walked downstairs too see everyone talking. "Hey guys." I said, grabbing a cup and making myself a cuppa.

" hey Nath, how you feeling you lost a lot of energy when you yelled at Klaus." Max said.

"Meh, I'll survive." I said pouring the now ready boiled water into my cup.

"So what were you guys talking about before I came downstairs?" I asked.

" Well, since we've barely had any freedom and haven't been too a club since Bloodlust, we were thinking of going clubbing." Elena said wincing expecting me too kick off.

It's time I stop mourning over Kat at start getting my act together.

I rubbed my chin in deep thought and shrugged, " sure what time we leaving?" I asked.

" 8pm." Caroline smiled.

I nodded, "okay that gives me time too get ready." I smiled.

I grabbed my cuppa and headed upstairs too get ready, I jumped in the shower quickly washing my hair and body.

I grabbed my clothes and got changed into blue skinny jeans, a white too and my white vans. I quickly styled my hair and headed downstairs too meet the others, and as always us boys were ready first.

"It feels weird, that we ain't a band anymore." Tom sighed.

" i know, baby Nath is doing his own music and us guys are just lazying around." Jay said.

"Hey, were still friends and that's all that matters." I smiled.

The boys nodded, we had a big group hug which almost got me in tears. We broke our of the group hug.


I looked over at Max and Tom too see them crying.

"Are you guys crying?" I asked.

"No, we just got something in our eyes." They sniffed.

Both me and Jay were in hysterics and seev just stood there grinning.

"Fuck off you guys ." Tom cried.

We rolled our eyes and chuckled, the girls were soon ready and off we went too have a good time.

We finally reached the club after vamp speeding all the way. I could feel the music pumping through my body. I couldn't wait too get inside.

Once we got inside me, Siva, jay and the girls sat down in a booth whilst Tom and Max got our drinks. The girls were in a deep discussion, so I turned too the boys.

"Guys what if we lose control here?" I asked.

"Don't be stupid Nath, we haven't lost control for ages, I doubt we will tonight." Siva said.

I nodded, the boys soon came back with the drinks. Soon we were chatting, drinking and dancing enjoying ourselves.

I was dancing with Jay and Tom on the dance floor when a girl came up too me.

"Hey baby." She smiled as she rubbed up and down my arm.

"Umm hi." I said pushing her hand away from my arm.

"Shy I see, I like that." She winked.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not interested, I have a girlfriend." I stated, which wasn't a lie I did have a girlfriend but she's not alive.

"Don't worry, she won't find out. Anyways she's probably ugly." She smirked.

Which made my blood boil, I was about too say something until Elena came behind the girl and yanked on her hair.

"Get off me you stupid bitch." The girls yelled.

"Say something else about my best friend, go on! And I guarantee you won't see the light of day again. So fuck off out of here you list and stay away from my friend." Elena yelled in her face and shoved her too the floor.

The girls ran off whimpering, I looked at Elena who was smiling.

"You alright?" I asked.

She nodded, "that's bitch had it coming." She said.

I nodded and let out a small chuckle,
"Why don't we gather everyone up and go for a quick bite then straight home. Got training tomorrow haven't we." I smiled.

Elena smiled back and nodded, we gathered everyone together and soon we left the club and headed for a bite. I wonder if Kat is watching down on me. I hope too god she's proud of me. I love you Katerina Petrova.

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