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AS THE SUN PEEKED OVER THE HORIZON , their journey through the desert was complete.

Their earlier conversation, alternatively, was not.

Unlike the day before, even Tahl was silent as they neared the final hill. No more snappy comments, no more slightly stretched truths. Thoughts of the night before had stolen their words and consumed them, forcing them into seclusion, even as the three walked side—by—side.

It was hard for Tahl... to imagine what it must have been like for Din in the wake of her exile. They only ever had each other, through everything — their training, their helming, their disappointments and broken bones, tears and secret dreams; that was their vow, one that somehow went even deeper than the Creed.

And for him to return to the covert one day, exhausted from a job, looking for someone who understood, who cared — looking for Em, and then only to find her gone with nothing but whispers in her place... it made her feel bare.

Like how she felt when the Beskar had been stripped from her, yet so much worse. Cold, and exposed, and unprotected. Betrayed.

The whispers had eaten him up inside, made him hate them, made him hate her, made him hate himself for not being there. Tahl knew of such whispers, the names they called her at the covert.



The worst possible insult in Mando'a. Coward, and Maker knows what else.

They spat and turned their backs on her, knowing she had betrayed their most sacred of vows. She wasn't noble. She wasn't brave. She was a hut'uun. She lost her adopted culture.

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