I know you can't understand it, but no matter how hard you try, youre going to hurt at least one person at same point in your life. No matter how much energy you put in trying to do it as nicely as you can, in trying to let them down with as much warmth and kindness as possible, their eyes will tell you all you need to know — that you have hurt their heart in a way you can never imagine. And unfortunately, that is the sad truth of life. We cannot be so hard on ourselves for hurting others just because we know what it feels like to go through pain. Sometimes, you must accept that just as people give you pain, youre bound to give them pain too. And that is okay. Because at the end of it, those who hurt you played a part in your journey, and those who got hurt by you gave you a space in theirs.
PoetryHanya untuk dibaca, bukan dirasakan. Apalagi berangan menjadi kenyataan.