A City of Bright Lights

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The ending of a book is always the hardest to write. No matter how you end it, not all people will like it. Something will always seem to be missing, like all the work and dedication put into the story wasn't quite enough to pay of in the end. Yet the beginning. The beginning is just an idea you bring to life and make the rest of the story out of. It's bizarre watch the characters being made and their story come to life and before you know it, it's like those characters are more than just something you made up. It's like they are all you, in some way you put a little bit of yourself into each character. Which is why ending are so hard. I mean the story could still go on. There are infinite ways to carry on a story. But it all has to come to an end and after the book ends you are left questioning what happening nex|...Groaning I leaning back on my chair, rewriting the last few sentences again, and eyeing them.
"No this isn't it, it's so anticlimactic!" I say deleting it again, before looking at the wall, lost in thought. .
Okay so looky here I have to write a freaking short story for English and at first i wasn't taking it seriously but now its I don't know how many pages long and i can't figure out how to end it. It's making me really frustrated, and I'm pretty sure by now I'm running on pure spite and coffee. I swear to god if I turn this in on Monday and get told to rewrite it cause i didn't write it in the specific way we were suppose to i'm kicking Ms. Mendez in the shin and telling her go to Hell.....Okay so made i should go to bed and try to get a few hours in. But ya know, we don't have time for that. So now....i'll.....,wow, I'm hungry. God food sound so good. Chinese sounds good. I should order some,...are they even open or do i just have to make ramen...I want gummy worms. Nonononono, I don't want gummy worms, I NEED them Right. Now. I could take money and sneak out, but if my mom found out I snuck out for food.
then there would be new episode on buzzfeed unsolved and I would be the star of the show. Which I actually wouldn't mind Ryan and Shane discussing the mysterious disappearance of Aubrey Park, but, that can happen after I go get food. Food is a priority and I must have before my termination.
Okay I have un idea, go get the good good(not drugs food if you were wondering), or make an attempt at sleeping which would be the good opinion. But you and I both know that's not what I'm going to do.
"So....Great Dragon doesn't open till 11 something...but the closest McDonald's to me is a 24 hour place....," I mumble to myself, spinning around in my chair trying to decide if my death is worth food. I conclude it is so the thing is the "closest" McDonald's is literally 20 minutes from my house and I'm not walking, and i don't trust any taxi services in this area. So I have to take the bus. Fun.
I stand and stretch my arms behind me, cracking my back and rolling my neck to relinquish myself from the sore feeling in my body. I crouch next to my desk and pull out my little lockbox and open it with the passcode that I'm not going to expose.
"Don't need much, only forty" I state to myself, and I know what you're think "Why in the goddamn world do you need that much money for McDonald's, get something of the dollar menu, fatass it won't cost you that much" and yes, you are correct, what I normal get from McDonald's is typically only around 10 dollars, but after that I'm going to the dollar general and getting a fuck ton of candy and soda. And after that I wanna to sit in the park. It's still late at night/ early morning and the stars are still out. I mean I could look at the stars from my house but they just aren't as bright.
As I stand back up, I unplug my phone and check the percentage,
"87%...okay that's fine," I tell myself, opening the back of the phone case and put the money in before shoving it in my sweatpants pocket. Also since it's cold as frick considering it's autumn and it tends to, Yaknow, be pretty chilly, I grab a jacket to put over my sweater, just Incase, grab my headphones, and slip my slippers on cause why bother putting actually shoes on, that's more effort I don't have. Anywho, getting off task here, you don't need to know my attire so I'm not going to tell you. What's important now is how I get out. I could be like those people from the movies that sneak out of the window but I'd rather not cause jumping from my window would be considered suicide being that do kinda live in an apartment. On the 5th floor. I would probably break my body, I mean yeah there is a fire escape. But it's old and rusted so I'd rather not be climbing down and fall. Big no no, front door is safer.
Exiting my room I I turn off the light before shutting the door again not wanting to be totally obvious I'm not in there. I go down to hall quietly or as quietly as possible cause I ain't no ninja, and sneak out the front door.
After locking the front door(cause I don't want my parent to be murdered in their sleep), I head over to the elevator and call it up to me before realizing I forgot my sketch book
"Shit" I curse, whenever this happens I always draw but since I forgot it and I don't feel like going back for it, I just have to suck it up. I can just take pictures to draw later if necessary anyways so no biggy.
As I get in and press the lobby button I lean into the wall as always and lay my head to the wall. The elevator always shakes when it moves and it feels funny but i like to rest my head on the wall and feel it. It's probably not a safe thing but I don't know I have always done it so I guess I'll just die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
When the elevator stops shaking I open my eyes and wait for the door to open. I walk out in the lobby and through with my head down, just Incase, you never know who your parent have watching.
When I opened the door I was consumed in cold, as you could guess as I have told you, it is cold as fuk. 
I walk a couple ways down to the bus stop and open my phone case and pull out my two ones, I specifically grabbed for my bus fare as I'm not a stupid bitch who's going to hand the driver a five and ask for change, I don't want to fight someone tonight. Around this time as you may have guessed this isn't the first time I have had a late night. I check the time on my phone, 12:34. Okay wow I thought it was later. So the bus won't be here for another like 15 minutes and I don't feel like sitting out here and freezing my teets off, so, uh, change in plans. I'm calling a taxi and going I don't care if it cost more, I just don't want to look like a prostitute so, imma, skeet off the street.
I shake my head as I walk away, looking around in search of a yellow car to hop in. God I'm going to go missing one day and it will be all my fault. Somebody could literally offer me food and I'd hop in there car and introduce myself as their new best friend. I start jogging as I see a taxi and start waving my hands. When it finally pulls over I open the door and jump in.
"Hello, where to?" He asked, starting the meteor.
"The nearest McDonalds" I say and he begins to drive away as I lay my head on the seat and watch the passing builds with all the bright lights.

~Hello loves~
Little note so I actually never went through and re-read this to see if it makes sense as I was to tired to do so. I'm not completely sure if it makes sense lol. Hope you enjoyed anyways. Byee💜 :3

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