Not This Again

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I woke up late one morning, thinking it was 11:00, or something like that. I looked at the time on my bedside clock, and my first thought was:

"HOLY HERA...IT'S 1:00?!"

Faster than a god could curse my friends and I(Which was saying something, I might add), I hopped out of bed, got dressed, and freshened up. I raced out side where Leo just so happened to be passing by - I prayed he wouldn't see me, but of course he did. He walked over to me and teased, "So Annie's trying to make like an owl and sleep all day?"

"Shut up, Valdez," I shot back. "and don't call me 'Annie.'"

He just smirked and walked off. I rolled my eyes in return. I decided to go climb the rock climbing wall since I hadn't climbed it in a while. As I was climbing, I felt attacked as memories of Percy came in waves, and thought I would ask Chiron if I could call him. I was so lost in my thoughts that I just barely dodged a wave of lava. "Watch it, Chase!" Travis shouted. I again rolled my eyes.

After I descended the wall, I headed over to the Big House. "Hi Annabeth!" shouted Thalia. I said "hi" back, but then noticed that Nico was there, and standing next closer to her than was needed. I raised my eyebrows, and they both blushed. I laughed and continued walking towards the Big House.

When I got there, I spotted Chiron standing on the porch, staring off into space. "Chiron?" I said. "Oh! Annabeth, dear, you shocked me."

"Really? I didn't realize I had such power."


"Anyway I came to ask-" and then, I had a marvelous epiphany - Percy didn't have a phone, and I didn't have his number. "Really Annabeth, really? How did you forget that?" Chiron called my name, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Annabeth? You came here to ask what?"

"Oh! um..."

I tried to think of a reason for coming here. "How awkward...!" I thought. "Uh...I just came to... ask how you were doing!" He looked at me strangely then replied with "Fine, thank you..." I proceeded to run off before he  - or I - could say more.


I ran back to the cabin to get a drachma, then dashed to the lake. Don't ask why I was running, I just was.

Upon arrival, I questioned myself "How am I supposed to make mist? Ugh, Annabeth, what is up with you today?!" So, I headed over to the strawberry field, and then to the hose to get a spray of mist. I looked around and miraculously found a shard of glass in the dirt. Turning on the hose, I switched it to "mist," and angled the glass so it would create a rainbow. I then tossed in my drachma and said, "O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Percy Jackson."

What I witnessed was a horrifyingly familiar scene; Percy, falling...falling... falling...

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