Walking through the sterile white corridors of the capital building, Leo let out a long, tired sigh. He had stayed up last night proof reading the Galactic Government documents, and it was exasperating.

      Leo walks into the nearest bathroom and walked up to the mirror to take in his appearance before the meeting. This was the first time this morning he looked at himself, so he was taken aback. He dark bags under his eyes, his hair a mess on top of his head, his dress shirt under his suit was buttoned wrong, and his tie was crooked.

      He grabs his black frames from his suit pocket and slide them up his nose, hoping they cover his dark circles at his eyes. He re-buttoned his shirt and then fixed his tie to look more professional.

        He shrugs at his appearance and leaves the sterilized bathroom of metal. He walks down the sterile corridor, yet again, like he has so many times before. His heels clicking down the near empty floor and his breathing were the only sound throughout.

       He rounds a corner and makes his way down the hall to the door at the end; the Conference Room. He has been in the room before when he was giving them his resúme to apply for the internship, but other than that he hasn't been back. He has been there for months and months, almost a year, and not a single dispute. It was nice to have something calm, especially when it comes to politics and things of that nature.

       As he stops before the large, double metal doors; he let's out a deep breath and walks in. The doors open easily at the swipe of his key card, and he walks in to see Generals, Officials, Foreigners, the President. He is nervous for this because he hasn't been in a meeting with upper people in the government before, nonetheless with the President of the Galaxy. He stands behind his mentor, Bracken, as he holds his notebook between his hands.

     Bracken was an old, aging man. Very cold and contained, he usually never showed emotion to people. While he was showing Leo the ropes if the place, he even smacked Leo for touching a wall. Bracken claimed it was because they are so clean, but Leo says otherwise based on the intense look burning through the old black eyes.

     As the meeting was drawing closer to the start, Bracken glared at Leo to sit down. And he did. He glanced at the others in room: different races, ages, ranks. Almost everyone of them watching the President as he sat down to begin the meeting. President Aum cleared his throat and began to speak his low, authoritative voice.

    "In a couple of days there will be a cargo mission to Aquila that I would like to be successful. Since there are lessers in the room," the Presidents voice seem to be talking about Leo which made him shrink in seat, as most turned to glance at him, "The rest of the information will be gave to those who apart of the mission at the end."

     Some people seemed to have knowing eyes, smiles, and even glares, which concerned Leo until he shook it off. Leo turned away from looking at the President to his notebook.

     "We will be keeping this operation put of public eye, and we will be preparing. I have a list here," the General pulls out the paper from his folder and slides it over to the President, "Of the people who will be participating in this mission. I want the people who go to be ready and keep an eye open." The president says as he stands up, passing the lists around the table.

    Leo takes the list and sees there are about 45 people for mission to Aquila, and he was one of them. His eyes widen and immediately his gaze is upon the President. When his gaze is returned by the Presidents dark brown eyes that are filled with a secret malice, he raised in eyebrow in question. Leo ran a hand through his dark hair and leans back in the seat as he tries to wrap his head around this.

    "You are all dismissed, the SQ.604 will leave tomorrow at 8 a.m. Earth time. Good day." The President says as he stands up and is escorted out of the room by five of his men and the General.

    Leo stands up and pushed his chair in as he feels his throat tighten. Not once has he ever been involved in a government activity such as this, nonetheless being trusted for it. As he was leaving behind the rest, he felt a large cold hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Brackens cold dark eyes.

    "Don't mess this up Leonhardt, you might never get another chance again." He says sarcastically with his raspy voice as he leaves the room. Being left alone in the room, Leo sits on the table and sighs looking at the ceiling in worry.

     "Why me?" He says quietly to himself as he closes his eyes, the lights shut off for the room. Taking that as his sign to leave Leo rushes out into the empty hall. How does an old man walk so fast like Bracken. He shakes his head and smiles at his own inside joke.

   Leo walks down the sterile corridors like this morning and makes his way into the office area. He raises his eyebrows as he looks for Brackens bald head at a desk, but fails. He sighs and leaves through the doors he entered and into the halls.

     He leaves for the elevator and enters the small metallic box and hits the ground floor button. No one else was with him, so he punches the wall. He immediately regrets this, as he feels his knuckles split open and blood pores out. He winced and holds his hand. He doesn't understand why they want him for this mission when they never trusted him before. He hates the way they talk to him like he's some helpless child. He hates that if he messes this up he will lose this internship.


Good evening, this chapter is the first of many hopefully I get many reads. If I get many supporters i will keep up the updates for you guys. If you have any suggestions or comment appease leave them in a comment.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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