16. Its me

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"Two people said that they saw Stiles Jeep leave the hospital."

Yeah, and five teenagers are trying to prevent a spastic teenage boy, who is being possessed by a psychotic fox I might add, to cause more deaths in this town I thought when Parish informed sherif. I stuffed my hands in my hoodie as all of our breaths were showing in the cold air. The ambulance lights hit our faces while it was being loaded with two bodies that had been hit with electricity.

At this moment, I sort of wish I was one of those people being loaded onto the ambulance. That would make it easier on me, you know so I wouldn't have to persuade my father that there wasn't someone who had actually planned this and that it had all been an 'accident' or 'coincidence'.

If only it were simpler.

"Someone needs to find him... Now," Sherif ordered.

I eyed my dad as he crouched to the floor, picking up the wire that was going ballistic just minutes ago.

"Is it just me, or is this cut?" My dad pointed out the wire that was on the ground and now in his hands. Well, no shit Sherlock I thought to myself.

"What if... It just...broke off," I tried reasoning with him.

"Tell the others to keep a look out for any other signs of sabotage," Argent announced, totally ignoring my comment. I grunted, rolling my eyes as officers roamed around the hospital.


"Can I go now..." I mumbled as I played with my dad's name tag on his desk that read: Officer Lester. I was currently being held hostage for trying to save lives.

If only he knew.

"I trusted you to stay away from those boys. One of them is missing, two people died yesterday-

"You have no clue what I have been through, dad. Maybe I just want to make friends-"

"You would die... For... friends? Especially for ones who've you've just met. I wish I I could understand you."

"Trust me, me too," I mumbled, almost in audible. Sometimes I couldn't even understand myself to begin with.

"Sam, you could've died. Again," he took a deep breath and ran his hand over his face before continuing, "This just shows that my parenting skills suck. Sam, just... Why can't you just... Be a normal teen girl and go shopping or something. Or at least tell me what's going on."

"Even if I told you... you wouldn't believe me," I mumbled. "Just like you wouldn't trust me to make my own decisions."

"If you think you can solve this case, you're wrong. You have 2 professionals that have this handled."

"Handled... Right," I muttered under my breath, throwing his name tag back onto his desk.

"Just let Agent and I do our jobs-"

"And Sheriff Stilinksi."

"And... Sheriff Stilinski..." He added as if he hadn't even had Sherif in mind.

"Sheriff knows more than you and Argent combined-" a light knock on the door made us both snap our heads toward some delivery man.

"This is for Mr. Stilinski." A delivery man read while looking at a piece of paper.

"She'll show you where his office is," he said to the delivery man, pointing his thumb at me.

"Go help Parish give these to Sheriff." My dad ordered. I walked over to the boxes and picked one up. The moment I touched it, I got this sense of a cold presence.

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