19. She... Sniffed me?

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"Trust me, I would go with sleep."

The lady that shoved me into this little cell they called a room raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to answer her question after my non human roommate had warned me.

I huffed in defeat, backing up slowly from the door with my head down, signaling for the depressing lady to slam the door shut and lock me in the room.

Scratch that. It was no longer me, but us. As in I had to finally turn around and interact with my roommate, before she could say anything more.

Interacting with any patient here scared me, considering the ones that greeted me at the entrance were anything but friendly or welcoming.

"Changed your mind, huh," she retorted, turning the question into a statement.

I ignored her, examining the door and shaking the handle with all my strength, but not even my strength would make it budge.

"Tried that too," she said amused by my failed attempt to get the stupid door to open. I heard the bed creak, probably a sign that she was getting up from the bed she was on.

"Let me guess. You were trying to escape, too," I asked, turning around to see that she had walked closer to me.

"Yes," she answered simply. "Let me just say I wasn't very successful. I can be pretty strong if I put my mind to it, and those doors will not budge," she explained, crossing her arms.

"Well, maybe I can help you get out of here if you help me-"

"Good luck with that newby. This place is close to impossible to escape."

"Being here was a huge mistake. I shouldn't be here," I whispered, looking at the tiled ground as the sound of screams and doors slamming echoed around me. Not like I wasn't exactly used to clueing in on loud sounds, but I was beginning to learn not to tense up every time a loud bang filled my ears. My eyes widened as I heard a particularly loud scream.

"You'll get used to it," she said, making me jump and snap my head in her direction, after several moments of us just standing in silence, or in my case a silence filled with shouting and slamming. But I also got this scent from my 'roommate' that was eerily familiar. I shook it off, waiting for her to ramble on.

"Because this place, the way that it's built, everything echoes," she explained looking at me as I gulped. It was like this chick was trying to scare me and she was completely enjoying it.

I stood up straight and squinted my eyes at her, trying to make it seem like what she said hadn't effected me.
When, in reality, it scared the hell out of me.

"That's why they call it Echo House." She continued on.

"Lovely..." I mumbled in reply.
Why would any human being, sane human being, step into this place? Or even work in this place? For the majority of my time here, I had the feeling of being watched. Maybe it was because of some possessed spirit. Maybe it was just the vibe of the place. Or, maybe I was going crazy after being here for approximately 30 minutes.

All I knew for sure was I had to find a way to get Stiles out of this looney town, because Echo House was definitely not going to fix anything.

Maybe make things worse.

I had to at least try.

Several minutes later

"Can someone get me out of here?!" I begged, banging on the door with my fists repeatedly then kneeing the door. The door now looked damaged with multiple dents spread throughout the metal material, reminding me that I should probably stop.

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